View Full Version : PenWeddings 2011 Demo Reel

Sarah Pendergraft
January 22nd, 2011, 01:35 AM
It's been quite a while since I've posted anything here, but I wanted to share our new demo. Things didn't go exactly as I'd envisioned them (wanted more couples, planned on shooting when there would still be leaves on the trees) but I actually ended up very happy with the result.

Thanks for watching!

PenWeddings 2011 Wedding Film Demo Reel on Vimeo

Dimitris Mantalias
January 22nd, 2011, 02:14 AM
Yes! The idea with the couples talking about their weddings while keeping the "live" frames was amazing! Great shots too, loved the ones around 1:40 with the street-walking people!

Marty Jenoff
January 22nd, 2011, 07:59 AM
Great job. Really like the testimonials.

Sarah Pendergraft
January 24th, 2011, 11:48 PM
Yes! The idea with the couples talking about their weddings while keeping the "live" frames was amazing! Great shots too, loved the ones around 1:40 with the street-walking people!

Thanks Dimitris! Whenever we do weddings downtown I love shooting out in the street. I was so happy when the one couple agreed to do their first look in the street. The bride had even said she wanted a downtown look and feel to their first look and photo session, and the way the photographer wanted to do it would have had some park trees and the side of one building in the background. I kindly said, "what if we shoot this direction instead?"

Great job. Really like the testimonials.
Thanks Marty! We had done an interview style testimonial in the past, but I know those have been done before quite a bit. I really wanted to come up with something different this time.

Don Bloom
January 25th, 2011, 05:41 AM
Very nicely done!

Michael Simons
January 25th, 2011, 08:54 AM
This is incredible and should be marketed for all videographers. Mind if I post it on my Facebook?

Sarah Pendergraft
January 25th, 2011, 07:47 PM
This is incredible and should be marketed for all videographers. Mind if I post it on my Facebook?

Thanks!! Sure, just so long as you credit us. :-) It's on our Facebook page so you could share it that way, or just do the Facebook tagging thing with @PenWeddings.

Videos Posted by PenWeddings: PenWeddings 2011 Wedding Film Demo Reel [HD] | Facebook (

Sarah Pendergraft
January 25th, 2011, 07:55 PM
Very nicely done!

Thanks so much Don!

I do have a question for everyone. I got it just how I like it and it looks great in Premiere, and on my computer, Facebook, Vimeo, etc... But when I popped the actual DVD in and watched it, the edges on the keying within the frames weren't as clean. Obviously I understand there's a difference in resolution, but for the keying and/or matting to look different between an mpg4 video file and mpg2 on DVD? Not only am I not sure what's causing it... I'm not sure how to fix it since it looks good in the editing process. I'd have to do a bunch of trial and error DVDs I guess.

Greg Fiske
January 26th, 2011, 02:57 PM
Fantastic idea! The frames sharpness and color work looks different than the ambient scene. Don't know if it would look better if it matched?

Sarah Pendergraft
January 28th, 2011, 12:59 PM
Fantastic idea! The frames sharpness and color work looks different than the ambient scene. Don't know if it would look better if it matched?

Thanks Greg! I actually did think about that, and tried it a few different ways. I liked the kind of muted feel of the couples out in the field, it just seemed to fit better with the setting. But trying to then tone down the footage in the frames to match almost took the life out of it and I did want it to "pop" a bit. I can see though where maybe there's too drastic of a difference between the two.