View Full Version : XL2 Will not download!

Peter Sheridan
January 21st, 2011, 12:34 PM
Hi all, HELP!! I have just hooked my XL2 up to my computer and normally it rewinds automatically
and starts to download.But for some reason nothing happens, now instead I get a message on my computer saying ODBC32 DII is missing from your computer,try reinstalling the program to fix the problem. Firstly how has this happend? and what do I do to fix the problem?
I would just add my computer is a brand new acer with windows 7.

Chris Soucy
January 21st, 2011, 05:37 PM
Well, taking a stab in the dark, I'd say that whatever application is attempting to do the file transfer has got it's knickers in a twist over a missing DLL.

Not being familiar with W7 I'm running blind, but if it has anythink like Control Panel, I'd dive in, find the equivalent to "Add/ Remove" programs, look up the app concerned and see if it has a "repair" function.

I'll stop there before I temp you into something potentially calamatous.


Rainer Listing
January 21st, 2011, 10:21 PM
Hi all, HELP!! I have just hooked my XL2 up to my computer and normally it rewinds automatically

Probably a firewire rather than an XL2 problem. Did it work normally on your current computer before this, or is this something new with Windows 7? If it worked before, it's software, try a different capture program. If not, the web is full of Windows 7 firewire problems, with some esoteric fixes. Most commonly, if you haven't already, install the legacy drivers (Google for instructions). Secondly, motherboards with on board firewire seem to have issues - you need to install a PCI firewire card (under $10).