Dylan Couper
August 8th, 2005, 10:49 PM
Not 100% complete yet, but very close.
Big thanks to Keith Loh for building this in a rush!
Big thanks to Keith Loh for building this in a rush!
View Full Version : thedvchallenge.com Dylan Couper August 8th, 2005, 10:49 PM Not 100% complete yet, but very close. Big thanks to Keith Loh for building this in a rush! www.thedvchallenge.com Stephen van Vuuren August 8th, 2005, 11:01 PM Cool - nice job.Though I was dissappointed that you were clothed in the toilet shot :) Mike Teutsch August 9th, 2005, 05:58 AM Site looks great, very nice! Personally I'm glad Dylan IS clothed. Noticed that the rules have changed, and now say the credits don't count toward the film time. What will be the start and stop time points? Thanks guys. Mike Sean McHenry August 9th, 2005, 07:23 AM Yeee Hawwww! Fire up the buggy ma, we're goin' ta town for fresh tape! Excellent!. I'm in. Are we perhaps going to have a way to archive anyones work? I think a running showing of the top 2 or 3 would be cool. Storage space permitting. Very nice work and I look forward to the next one. Bring it on, Oh yeah. Comment, question. Are the forth coming T-shirts dated for each challenge? You might consider a slightly different design for participants, winners and folks that just want to buy them to support the effort. They could all be the same shirt to start with but have the printer add the contestants on the back, like concert dates on rock t-shirts for those that participate with their home listed. I think it would be cool to have that on a shirt, especially since it would show world wide participation. Just leave an open spot the shirts to add "participant" or "Runner-Up", etc. What cha' think? Also, yeah, I know, my wife says I'm windy too...will there be retro shirts? Ones for the past participants (for a nominal fee naturally)? Sean McHenry Daniel Kohl August 9th, 2005, 12:30 PM Excellent Site Kieth and Dylan! It's interesting to see how a thing like this can develop so quickly. One note: I don't really want to be the one to bring up the issue of political correctness - but if one of the squiggly dudes had something looking like breasts or long hair or something, maybe a few of the women in our midsts might feel better represented ... just a thought...eh...Where's my beer?... Otherwise, I wouldn't change a thing! Keith Loh August 9th, 2005, 12:40 PM Believe it or not, the dude on the right began as a woman but turned out looking like a dude. In v2 I will try and make him more into a her. Lorinda Norton August 9th, 2005, 02:08 PM One note: I don't really want to be the one to bring up the issue of political correctness - but if one of the squiggly dudes had something looking like breasts or long hair or something, maybe a few of the women in our midsts might feel better represented ... just a thought...eh...Where's my beer?... That's funny! I sure hope you found your beer, Daniel. :) On the main page it says, "Sign up or stay home." Now, there's a succinct message for everyone--including anyone who might feel under-represented. Actually, I'd be shocked if anyone around here made a fuss over those "dudes" on the Web site. Hopefully, DV folks are concerned with more important things--like having fun with the challenge. By the same token, if Keith wants to try his hand again at making a "her" that is certainly his business. ;) You did a nice job, Keith & Dylan. Greg Boston August 9th, 2005, 03:27 PM Cool - nice job.Though I was dissappointed that you were clothed in the toilet shot :) I'm thinking that is where Dylan does all of his dialog recording. The bowl is a type of resonant chamber that adds a special something to the mix. ;-) -gb- Stephen van Vuuren August 9th, 2005, 03:32 PM I'm thinking that is where Dylan does all of his dialog recording. The bowl is a type of resonant chamber that adds a special something to the mix. ;-) -gb- Obviously, after seeing his last entry in DVC2, it's clear he's very familar with the "resonant chamber" :) Robert Martens August 9th, 2005, 08:54 PM Wonderful site, especially for a so-called "rush" job. Let me ask the stupid question, does the site's existence mean we can sign up now? Step three says "Log in to dvinfo.net communities, and post a notice of intent to compete in our current entry thread", but I see that thread hasn't been started yet... Yes, this DOES mean I intend to sign up, if only to become a permanent fixture on the Wall of Shame (I trust this wall will have photos of all the no-shows looking forlorn and ashamed on it? ;) ). My mindset is best expressed by this quote from the About page of the new site: "He found one of the most difficult things in making a short film is to just force yourself to do it. If there isn’t some kind of motivation or challenge, then it usually just doesn’t happen." I'm like that with EVERYTHING, not just movies. I usually have trouble finding motivation, but a contest like this would be perfect. There's an entry fee I'd hate to waste, and countless forum members I'd hate to disappoint...all the reason in the world to get off my rear and do something for a change! Barry Gribble August 9th, 2005, 09:24 PM Nice job guys... hurrah. My only concern... did the site say upload a Quicktime file? eeek. Can't do WMV? Michael Gibbons August 9th, 2005, 09:57 PM good work! I've been to Keith's site many times and I've always liked it. If I didn't have a volenteer web designer I'd have to hire him do my upcoming site. I am very much looking forward to the next challange. As a matter of fact we're assembling an assortment of props and costumes and I have already doubled the size of my crew. Meryem Ersoz August 9th, 2005, 10:26 PM is there a wall of shame to hang dylan on, if he continues to procrastinate on the promised wall of shame?? Keith Loh August 10th, 2005, 10:18 AM Thanks for the feedback, testing and comments everyone. I'm sure there's stuff still to be fixed and added as the challenge continues. Send any technical comments to me and any content stuff to Dylan. Dylan Couper August 11th, 2005, 04:53 PM Thanks for the feedback guys. Ok, time to answer questions: If it was representative of the video community, there would be twenty men, and one woman on the main page. :) There will be an official sign up thread right after I post this. Sorry, I'm moving this week and things have been hectic. I've basically pardoned the Wall Of Shamers of the past, and starting up a new Wall Of Shame from this point on. Micheal, doubled your crew eh? Me too. Next time I'm hiring a camera assistant. :) Barry, you can post whatever you want, QT, .wmv, etc... We just suggest QT. However, if the judges can't see it because of Mac/PC issues, it isn't our fault. Regarding t-shirts, at least for now, they will all be the same. Different versions in the future? Maybe, but then they'd be pre-order, and more expensive since I wouldn't get a volume discount. Previous top winners will get free t-shirts courtesy of yours truly, I think it is only fair. Did I miss anything? Michael Gibbons August 11th, 2005, 05:03 PM yeah were up to four maybe five now. Pretty out of control. What strikes me as strange is that people who I barely know saw the thing, and want to help with the next one. I have to restrain myself from yelling, "Can't you see it CRAP! What are you thinking?" at them. Sometimes, it is better to be practical than honest. |