View Full Version : Dance on Camera Festival in NYC this month

Patrick J. Watson
January 20th, 2011, 09:48 AM

I would like to share information about a video/film festival that may be of interest to the readers of this forum that will be in NYC at the end of this month.

It is the Dance on Camera Festival in NYC. Information on it can be viewed here Dance Films Association ( or the festival has a Vimeo spot up at 2011 Trailer/Dance on Camera Festival on Vimeo

It is a juried (I had the good opportunity to be one of the judges this year) film/video festival that highlights national and international videos on dance. The selections range from the avant-garde to wonderful documentaries on individuals in the performing arts along with some very fun short videos.

If you have a chance to come to the festival please do, it is very inspiring.

Thank you for your time.

Pat Watson

John Benton
January 20th, 2011, 10:35 PM
Thank you Patrick.
I am working with dancers now on film and would love to see some. Any specific recs?

Patrick J. Watson
January 21st, 2011, 02:17 PM

Most of the submissions for this festival were sent in by DVD. This might change to an online review process. Once the current festival is over Dance Films Association will be looking into reviewing the submission process.

They can be reached at this email address or you can drop me an email as well.
