View Full Version : Lumix 45-200mm lumix

Brian Luce
January 17th, 2011, 11:18 PM
I've been testing the new 45-200mm f4.0 Lumix. For $254, it's a steal. The lens is light, and focuses quietly and quickly in AF and the image stabilizer also works well. I've been able to get good stills handheld at 200mm. I really like this lens, together with the 14mm-54mm 2.8, I think it makes a more versatile, powerful, and affordable package than the slow 14-140 kit lens that some rave about.

I also did some comparisons between the 45-200mm Lumix and a 70-200mm vintage Fd-mount Canon and the results were favorable.

Dave Eaton
January 19th, 2011, 11:38 AM
The combo does sound like an interesting alternative to the 14-140. Have you posted any tests of them? Curious of the AF speed, noise, etc. of the Olympus 14-54 series II compared to the 14-140, especially with the lens upgrade. The 14-54 sounds like a nice carry lens for stills and video. Wonder how the DMW-MA1 adapter works on the GH's and Olympus lenses. Granted, I would hate to have to buy the adapter for just one lens though.

Brian Luce
January 19th, 2011, 11:23 PM
The combo does sound like an interesting alternative to the 14-140. Have you posted any tests of them? Curious of the AF speed, noise, etc. of the Olympus 14-54 series II compared to the 14-140, especially with the lens upgrade. The 14-54 sounds like a nice carry lens for stills and video. Wonder how the DMW-MA1 adapter works on the GH's and Olympus lenses. Granted, I would hate to have to buy the adapter for just one lens though.

Unfortunately I don't own the 14-140 so can't do a direct comparison.

But I spent less money on a combination that goes just as wide, yet is much faster and goes a lot longer. The advantage of the kit lens is no lens swapping required. But at the same time, using a GH2 as fixed lens video camera seems to defeat one of the reasons people went to DSLR and DSLR inspired cameras.

Dave Eaton
January 20th, 2011, 06:36 PM
Hmm. You must shop better than I do as the 14-140 alone is approx. $740 (cheaper in a package with camera), the Olympus 14-54mm series II is approx. $530, the DMW-MA1 adapter is approx. $150 and the Panasonic 45-200 is approx. $250 which comes to $930.

I'm curious of how fast/quiet the AF is on the 14-54 and 45-200. Have no experience with the adapter or lenses attached to it. One of the draws to me of the 14-140 is the fast and quiet AF when needed. When I really need/want shallow DOF I can change lenses to a MF one. However, the 14-54 series II seems interesting depending on how it functions on the GH2.

Brian Luce
January 21st, 2011, 07:51 PM
I'm curious of how fast/quiet the AF is on the 14-54 and 45-200.

Surpisingly the 45-200 is much quieter than the 14-54. The 14-54 is an awesome lens, but if I had a gripe it's that it's a tad noisy, not as noisy as the Tamrom 28-75mm 2.8 I had on my 7d but not as quiet as the 45-200 which to me seems quieter than some of the Canon L glass I've rented.

Dave Eaton
January 22nd, 2011, 10:31 AM
Thanks. I just found a GH2 with the 14-140 so I bought it. I plan to get a backup body, probably silver so I can tell them apart, and may get a 14-54 to go with it. There are quite a few times where I'd use AF and, while I'd record audio on a Zoom H4n, I'd prefer a quiet AF.

Want to see what the coming Panasonic 25/1.4 is like. Lusting after a 7-14, too. Not sure how much I'd use it but I like wide for stills.