Bill Vincent
January 17th, 2011, 03:58 PM
This wedding was held at the Loveless Cafe, world-renowned for their incredible biscuits & jams. I think this probably my favorite clip we've ever done. ;) We'd love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment!
Chad & Lindsey - 11.6.10 on Vimeo
Bill Vincent
January 20th, 2011, 04:21 PM
Wow, 109 views and not a single comment? Anyone wanna share their thoughts?
Aaron Jones
January 20th, 2011, 05:45 PM
Hi Bill,
You know the way it is on this forum. Lots of viewers, but not many talkers.
The wedding looked a lot of fun. The clip was very upbeat which matched the music. I'm sure the B&G really digged it.
A couple of things I noted.
The colouring of the 2 cameras is very different during the ceremony. Is there a reason for this?
The shot at 1.03 looks to be either sped up a little or played in reverse. Nothing wrong with the shot, it just looks a little weird though. I wasn't too keen on the sped-up kiss shot at 1.25 either.
Personally I would have liked to have seen more of the daytime as well, as the footage is heavily reliant on the dancing (not to take away from the dancing looking fun though).
As always, just offering my honest opinion.
Bill Vincent
January 20th, 2011, 06:41 PM
Hi Aaron,
First of all, thank you very much for your feedback - I respect you and your work and appreciate your taking the time! I had to go back and look at the clip again, because there are no sped up or slowed-down shots in the piece - but now that I've watched them thinking about that, it could appear that way I guess!
Good point on the daytime - there wasn't enough, I agree, I wish I would have had more. I also really, really played with doing a timeshift with this piece, but I think it really screamed linear louder - there weren't enough good anchor points for a timeshift - the toasts were mediocre and the preacher was obnoxious!! ;)
Color on the ceremony was, in a word, difficult. What isn't apparent is that amongst the tungsten lighting shining down on them, (fresnels/band/stage lighting) there was a red-gelled light. It gave them a shallow bath of red/pink which was really difficult to deal with, because it wasn't super-hot, but tinted them, especially on the close-up shots. Trying to cut between that and the wide shots which appeared quite different color-wise from a distance was the biggest challenge of this shoot, hands-down. That plus the wedding being @ sundown made for color temperature nightmares - the venue also had windows all the way around.
Anyway, thanks again Aaron!
Keaton Clark
January 28th, 2011, 10:45 PM
Hi Bill,
Enjoyed the clip! What I really like is the fresh, natural look of the piece, very few posed or staged shots. My two favorite shots are the one of the couple in the cafe (which might be staged but the framing with the neon sign is cool) and the one of the couple in the car---has a fleeting, breathless quality to it.
I see the color issues in the ceremony but it's not too distracting. Have you tried desaturating for a closer match? I've seen some guys go the other way---throw the footage from one camera into B&W to hide the difference.
Personally, I think beautiful documentary work is more "cinematic" than all the staging and steadycam that you see in so much wedding video these days. Ten years down the line, your bride and groom are still going to love this film.