View Full Version : Working with 5D

Bill Weaver
January 16th, 2011, 11:42 AM
I'm embarking on a doc project, which might go theatrical, where a large part of the piece will be shot with a 5D. Will the 300 be of any use in this, or will the res difference just be too radical?

Robert Turchick
January 16th, 2011, 12:23 PM
The 300 and 5D/7D/T2i cut together beautifully. Catch is you will want to dial down the color in the 5D to match the 300 better.

As for usefulness, depends on what you are shooting. The 300 gets you a 29-579mm (or something like that) which I find much easier and faster to deal with than swapping lenses all the time.
It also holds two cards so you can do a lot more recording and it doesnt have the 12 min limit on record time. Lots more benefits of having the true camcorder but you probably know them if you already shoot with a 5D.
I think having both will give you a much more flexible system.
I shoot a couple of shows with me on the 300 and a friend using his 5D on a regular basis and I shoot a lot of 2 camera gigs with my 7D and the 300.
Very happy with the results.

Andy Solaini
January 17th, 2011, 08:25 AM
Does anyone have any tips or profiles that would give a start to working out what to alter to get the footage looking the same from a DSLR and the XF300?

I would like to cut some footage from my 1DmkIV with the XF300.

Mark Moreve
January 17th, 2011, 11:04 AM
I suggest keeping the 5dmk2 in it's Neutral picture profile and setting the XF305 up via the Alan Roberts ( of BBC Fame ) recomended settings you should be able to find them on the www. You will probably still need to do some grading.

Bill Weaver
January 17th, 2011, 11:53 AM
I've also found that by adding a .5 gaussian blur to the 5D stuff slightly hones the edge of the video, but still keeps it sharp.

I've put the footage in a 10801 timeline, and it works quite well.

But should I consider going 30p on the XF?

Previous footage on this project was shot in 1081 HDV.....