View Full Version : 220 mbits workflow

Julio Veas P.
January 12th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Hi everyone

I have been using my nano with good results For 50-100 mbits long gop, with no issues(FCP editing Color for grading (round trip) and exporting to compressor for H.264 output), however when I use 220 I-Frame, with the same workflow I get more artifacts (twittering - stairsteping) than I get with long gop 50 or 100.

Am I doing something wrong?

Sequence settings:

easy setup for xdcam hd 422 30p, change render codec to prores 422HQ
same codec for color

any help would be appreciated....thanks

Andrew Stone
January 12th, 2011, 10:23 PM
Hi Julio,

Without knowing what kind of camera you are using and the kind of settings you have on it, one is hard pressed to know what is going on.

Just a guess but I would suspect you have some in camera sharpening going on that gets smoothed out at 100 mBit but becomes more noticeable at a higher bitrate.

Do you have sharpening settings turned on in your camera? If so try turning it off and do a test shot.

Julio Veas P.
January 13th, 2011, 04:42 AM
Hi Andrew


Detail: -7
Frequency: +25
Crispening: +20

Cinema +30

Black -3

Everything else set to default

I donīt think is the camera since the settings are the same, workflow the same and the only difference is 50 or 220 mbits.


Julio Veas P.
January 13th, 2011, 04:46 AM
one other thing

when I watch the footage directly out of the nano on my LCD (not proffesional grade), I donīt see any artifacts, but clearly the image is sharper at 220 mbits.
