Kevin Li
January 12th, 2011, 04:36 PM
This maybe a little bit of a NooB question but.. I'm running Windows 7 64bit and Adobe Premiere and After Effects CS5. I know both programs need 64 bit to run but all my plugin's and effects say 32, 16, and 8.
On my desktop, photoshop's button has "Photoshop x64" but Premiere and After Effects doesn't.
is there something I'm missing?
is it because my graphics card is not CUDA?
So, how do I know Permiere and AE are both running 64???
On my desktop, photoshop's button has "Photoshop x64" but Premiere and After Effects doesn't.
is there something I'm missing?
is it because my graphics card is not CUDA?
So, how do I know Permiere and AE are both running 64???