View Full Version : Soft images on PDW-335L

Stephen Curtis
January 6th, 2011, 08:14 PM
All footage on my PDW-335L appear to be really soft. Can anyone please direct me to applying a setting to sharpen this up. Also I am using a really nice downloaded scene file but it requires a slight tweak to reduce the saturation.

Any help will be very much apprecaited.

Alister Chapman
January 7th, 2011, 02:18 AM
More information needed.

Soft compared to what? Under what circumstances, viewed on what, what lens do you have, what noise reduction are you using?

You can crank up the detail level to make it appear less soft, but that won't change the resolution or true image sharpness and will increase noise and grain. First you need to address whether there is some other underlying problem that's making it look soft or if it's just the difference between a camera design that's 6 years old and a more recent one.

Stephen Curtis
January 7th, 2011, 06:22 AM
Hi Alister

I am using a Fujinon xs17x5.5brm-m38 lens. I have been using the peaking level of the viewfinder to high in order to make sure I have everything that is in focus. When viewed back in FCP all footage looks as though it has something like a .1 blur added to it? Due to the age Is the 335l common to producing soft images?

Please see below my settings.

Low Noise mode is on 2.

In my paint settings are:-

Detail level 0
DTL H/V Ratio 0
Master Black -14

Detail settings:-

Detail on
crispening 0
Level depend on
detail frequency 0
Aperture on
Aperture level 0
Knee apt level 0
detail limit 0

Many thanks for your advice.

Kind regards

Steve Phillipps
January 7th, 2011, 09:08 AM
Have you looked at it connected directly via HD SDI to a monitor / HD TV? Often computer monitors through software won't give a decent image.

Alister Chapman
January 7th, 2011, 11:53 AM
What sort of aperture are you working at? You need to be more open than F8 to avoid diffraction effects.

Have you checked your backfocus/flange back? If this is out then the camera will still appear to go in/out of focus but the focus won't be sharp.

Is this something that has suddenly started happening or is it always like this. As Steve suggests you should have a look at the cameras direct output on a component (no HDSDi on F335) decent monitor to eliminate FCP and the edit suite from the equation. You haven't got the FCP output set to High or Dynamic and not something else.

Daniel Larson
January 8th, 2011, 10:18 AM

I struggled with some image softness issues when first using the F335. I had read where some people used negative detail settings successfully and was quite hesitant to increase the detail. When I shoot HD 30P I use a detail level of +25, master black -3, Cine 3, and master gamma -2 with HISAT selected. My lens is a Fuji XS 13x3.3 and I find that even if I shoot wide open with the above settings with an interview frame composition the lens will go a little soft and that I should be at 2.0 or better to keep the talent nicely focussed. If I'm at f2 or better all is good and I get great looking video. There are a lot of variables and what works for me might not work for you so keep testing. The F335 makes some very nice pictures. I also found the HandsOn F335 DVD from Vortex Media to be very helpful in getting the most out the F335.


Luc De Wandel
January 8th, 2011, 05:53 PM
Footage viewed back in FCP - I presume on your computer monitor then - never looks really sharp. Connect the camera to a full-HD tv-screen and see what happens. Probably everything will be crisp & sharp.

Uli Mors
January 14th, 2011, 02:18 AM
Please check the footage directly played out via HD SDI or HD component out to a full HD screen - how does the footage look?

Recently a friend used Premiere Pro play out to a Panasonic BT-LH1710 - PDW700 footage.

He wondered why the footage looks THAT noisy. We found out that the footage was ok, but the way Premiere Out (preview??) + downscaling to 1280x768 (BT-LH native resolution) caused a noisier image.

To be 100% sure there is no better way than playing the footage directly from cam or deck to screen.
