View Full Version : New trend in DC area wedding market
Patrick King August 7th, 2005, 04:57 PM I just flew home from attending a wedding in the DC area. The B&G set out a CD on each place setting for the dinner following the ceremony. The B&G claim that this wedding day CD is all the rage with weddings now in that area.
Here's the twist: the CD is a compilation of the couple's favorite songs with a photo of them on the jacket cover and the jacket liner containing the song titles and the couple's thoughts on why they included that song on 'their special CD'.
I couldn't believe it! I'm lifelong friends with the parents of the bride so I didn't say anything (actually, the swift kick in the shin from my wife when I whispered to her that the CD idea was illegit probably swayed me not to say anything).
Has anyone else seen this happening in your area?
Boyd Ostroff August 7th, 2005, 05:12 PM A friend of mine (20 something marrying a 40 something) gave me a CD like this probably 5 years ago so it can't be all that new of a concept...
Peter Jefferson August 7th, 2005, 07:32 PM its old hat, and very tacky if you ask me... couples really shouldnt expect that their guests are THAT much into them to have the onus to play a cd from someones wedding which most likely has all those love songs most people cringe at.
On top of that, its a very ostentatious thing to do, and to offer it is not only illegal (unless your licesed for CD Duplication) but also a big waste of time and resources for the couple, due to the fact that it will prolly only be heard by about 2% of the guests... if that..
my 2c
Boyd Ostroff August 7th, 2005, 07:54 PM Actually my friend gave it to me since I wasn't at the wedding. Heh, I just noticed it the other day.... still haven't listened to it ;-)
Don Bloom August 7th, 2005, 08:05 PM It maybe new to DC but in the greater Chi-town area they've been doing it for the last 4 or 5 years that I can be sure of and probably longer. Actually, I love it bcecause I get to build my music file for free ;-)
Theres always 1 or 2 left for the folks that didn't show up
Patrick King August 8th, 2005, 05:05 AM I looked over the one my wife opened at the dinner, but she 'accidently' left it on the table when we departed. I put mine in my coat pocket when we first sat down but I'll have to admit, I haven't opened the shrink wrap on mine yet.
Steven Davis August 8th, 2005, 07:22 AM I went to a wedding the other day and they had one. I though it was cheezy, but what ever the client wants huh.
Bruce Linden August 8th, 2005, 11:04 AM had to wonder about the CD too. Co-worker came and asked if I would burn some CDs for his wedding. Great guy, so I agreed. He brought the master and FOUR HUNDRED, that's right, 400 blank CDs. Don't know if there were copyright issues or not, the music was all in Creole. Half way through he drops by a photo and asks that I create and print a label for each of the CDs.
I'm sure you can understand why the slogan in our office is: "No good deed goes unpunished."
Steve House August 8th, 2005, 11:31 AM I'm surprised they can find a duplication house that will do the disks without a written license from the copyright holders.
Steven Davis August 8th, 2005, 11:40 AM had to wonder about the CD too. Co-worker came and asked if I would burn some CDs for his wedding. Great guy, so I agreed. He brought the master and FOUR HUNDRED, that's right, 400 blank CDs.
I'm sure you can understand why the slogan in our office is: "No good deed goes unpunished."
Hey Bruce,
I learned my lesson a long time ago, I no longer really do 'free' work, ok maybe a little, but 400cds?!. I'd charge him, probably too late now. But if you are stuck with it, atleast put your credits on the front of the disk, i.e. website, company name etc. IMO.
Chris Davis August 8th, 2005, 12:29 PM I'm surprised they can find a duplication house that will do the disks without a written license from the copyright holders.Mechanical copyright licenses are not hard to obtain, you can do it online with a credit card. Perhaps the couples that have them professionally duplicated and shrink wrapped are doing it the legal way. Maybe.
Jennifer Graves August 8th, 2005, 12:37 PM My sister is going to create a cd for her wedding favors, however her and her future husband are both music majors and are going to compose the music themselves and also play the music themselves. That I think, is very neat.
Steven Davis August 8th, 2005, 02:27 PM My sister is going to create a cd for her wedding favors, however her and her future husband are both music majors and are going to compose the music themselves and also play the music themselves. That I think, is very neat.
Now that is neat. You ought to tell them that there are alot of videographers always looking for affordable promo demo music.
Patrick King August 8th, 2005, 07:19 PM My sister is going to create a cd for her wedding favors, however her and her future husband are both music majors and are going to compose the music themselves and also play the music themselves. That I think, is very neat.
That CD I would take the time to listen to because it really is from them. Great idea. Kinda like a videographer sending out video invitations. Maybe someone has already marketed that too.
Brian Burns August 11th, 2005, 08:44 AM As a DC videographer, I can confirm this happens more often than not. But... since I am not providing the CDs myself, I bite my tongue.
Bruce Linden August 11th, 2005, 10:50 AM Hey Bruce,
I learned my lesson a long time ago, I no longer really do 'free' work, ok maybe a little, but 400cds?!. I'd charge him, probably too late now. But if you are stuck with it, atleast put your credits on the front of the disk, i.e. website, company name etc. IMO.
Well, this was for one of the truly good guys in this world. A co-worker that no one could ever be able to say a bad word about. He pushed it some, but I didn't have a problem doing it for free. Consider it my wedding gift to him and his bride.
Jennifer Moak August 16th, 2005, 04:18 PM I just flew home from attending a wedding in the DC area. The B&G set out a CD on each place setting for the dinner following the ceremony. The B&G claim that this wedding day CD is all the rage with weddings now in that area.
Here's the twist: the CD is a compilation of the couple's favorite songs with a photo of them on the jacket cover and the jacket liner containing the song titles and the couple's thoughts on why they included that song on 'their special CD'.
I couldn't believe it! I'm lifelong friends with the parents of the bride so I didn't say anything (actually, the swift kick in the shin from my wife when I whispered to her that the CD idea was illegit probably swayed me not to say anything).
Has anyone else seen this happening in your area?
All the time.
Joshua Reafsnyder August 26th, 2005, 01:53 PM My sister and her husband made the cds themselfs, buring them one at a time on home computers, for their wedding nothing fancy just a cd with a basic label and they left them in a basket for so only the people that wanted them took them.
Andrew Cleary September 21st, 2005, 03:00 PM it really isnt a new thing at all.
you guys act like burning CDs is a new thing.
Itunes=$.99/song 10 songs=$10
CD burner=$25
CD printer=$99 (epson photo r200)
inkjet CD=$.25/disk (give or take) 200guests=$50
grand total
not a whole lot of money compaired to what they payed you or the photographer...right?
Boyd Ostroff September 21st, 2005, 03:32 PM Sure, it's cheap as long as you don't mind providing illegal copies of music to a large group of people....
Andrew Cleary September 22nd, 2005, 07:17 AM the thought of it being illegal is the last thing on the mind of the average person.
I have yet to hear of the FBI breaking up a wedding due to illegal music distribution.
I'm sure most of the people on this board have used a song in a video at some point that they didnt have the rights to.