View Full Version : TM700 File Problem in premire cs5

Chad Solo
December 25th, 2010, 10:17 PM
Hello all I'm having a bit of a problem. I have some footage I shot with my panasonic TM700 in the Cinema mode and I thought after reading that I could use neoScene to Pulldown the clip to 24 P that all goes good but when I put the clip on the Timeline with my 7D footage that was shot in 24P it crashes Adobe Premire.All I have to do is put the file in a bin and it will shut it down. Any suggestions would be appreciated it.


Paulo Teixeira
December 26th, 2010, 01:17 AM
I would make sure your running the latest version of Premiere CS5 and that you don't have other things opened in the background. Keeping the NLE window full screen might also help.

You can also try 2 different ways. The first way is file import. If that doesn't work, try to drag the clips into the bin instead.

Also, you can try putting your footage elsewhere first and then put it in. For example, if it's in an external hard drive, transfer that to your computer's internal hard drive and then try.

That's all I can come up with at the top of my head.

Carlo Macchiavello
December 27th, 2010, 09:25 AM
panasonic xx700 series work in 50p and 60p (ntsc version) native, when you record a different speed you have some kind of interpolation.
i use pal version, and with a simple discard of one frame from two i have a simple 25p full real frame.
when i record a 25p (digital cinema on) i see that it record a 25p on 50i format... i lots of bad things.
I think that 60p version create some strange version of 24p, be cause it must record on 60i signal with pulldown 3:2.
i suggest you to record at 60p (cleaner shooting) then later, reduce it at 24p with your editor or some good plugin to interpolate frame rate.

ps cineform handle very well 50p from panasonic.

Chad Solo
December 27th, 2010, 07:15 PM
I could not get anything to work with the Cineforn file. I reinstalled my system and started from scratch and now I'm waitning for my Lic from Video Guys and then I will reinstall the app and try again. So Carlo so what your saying is I can shoot all 60P and just convert to 24P insteaf of using the Digiital Cinema option?Thank's all for the help.