View Full Version : Liam

Matt Portwood
December 24th, 2010, 05:07 PM
My brother and his wife had their son Liam on Thanksgiving Day! While I was home visiting them I decided to try to put a video together for them to have to remember the day. I wasn't going to post this video as a lot of the shots didn't turn out as I had hoped. I am still learning as I go and having to shoot on the run is a lot harder than I imagined. However, since I am committed to growing and learning from my mistakes I decided to post it.

I think the hardest thing for me is coloring and white balance. Also just knowing what lenses to use in what situations. I would say the biggest thing I learned in the edit on this one was to give my self more lead and end time on my shots. Giving my self say 10 seconds before a pan and after would have gave me much more usable footage and made my edit much smoother. Instead I was so in a rush I would hit record and go. Anyways I digress. I think it turned out OK. They love it of course, but they don't really know any better.

As always constructive criticism is welcome. Its the only way I can get better. Thanks!

Liam on Vimeo

Alan Melville
December 25th, 2010, 06:35 AM

In my opinion, there are rare instances where technicalities are unimportant and content is king, I believe this is one of those times.

You'll develop knowledge about WB, lenses, steady shots and lead times as you go so don't stress about this one. You've captured the personal emotion with this shot and in doing so it's now captured for years to come. A lot of parents don't have the luxury of this early footage as they're busy sorting out all the other bits and pieces.

Not a very constructive critique I know but I was too busy dealing with memories of my own kids at that age 21 years ago so well done.


Matt Portwood
December 26th, 2010, 12:47 AM
Thank you Alan very much for your words. They really mean a lot. Despite my own reservations about the video it is getting an overwhelming response from those who are watching it. I am just glad that I was able to do something like this for my family and I truly hope that when I have kids someone will be around to do the same for me! Merry Christmas and again...Thank you.

Craig Parkes
December 26th, 2010, 03:43 AM
Minor technical imperfections in this instance do nothing to detract from that fact that you were there and took the time and effort to capture the perfect little moments.

Yes - if this was a professional gig, there are different things you might have done, and someone might have had higher expectations - but also, if it was a paying gig, it probably would never have been done.

So kudos for you for seeing that something beautiful was happening, and doing your best, with the tools and the experience you have, for capturing that beauty. Learn from the experience, but always remember that the first half of the battle is simply being there, and shooting something, because if you don't - maybe no one will, and maybe then, as in this case, the world would be a little poorer for it.

Matt Portwood
December 26th, 2010, 10:24 AM
Thank you Craig. I guess I never really thought of it that way. As I am new to this type of work I (as well as others I would assume) sometimes get so wrapped up in trying to make every shot perfect. When as you pointed out, in this instance, they didn't have to be perfect...they just had to be there. That in itself I would call a valuable lesson.

Russ Ivey
December 27th, 2010, 12:02 PM
I think what you've done here is fanfreakintastic. There's nothing like newborn babies. I don't have much more to say other than that.

Matt Portwood
December 27th, 2010, 05:29 PM
Thanks Russ! Short, but sweet. I appreciate the compliment. I had a lot of fun with this. Moments like these are so rare that I guess they sort of speak for themselves.