View Full Version : The 4400 Season 2.

Yi Fong Yu
August 6th, 2005, 08:20 PM
anyone else watching this? it's not the greatest but i like the premise. i also like it cause ira from DS9 is involved. it's funny how so many trek alums are involved in so many other project nowadays.

Mike Teutsch
August 6th, 2005, 08:26 PM
It is a good series. Surprising how many good shows are poping up on non-big three channels. I enjoy 4400, House, Monk and many more.


Yi Fong Yu
August 6th, 2005, 08:36 PM
i liked rwanda episode from last sunday =). the sense of "justice" it is implying.

Boyd Ostroff
August 7th, 2005, 09:07 AM
I enjoyed the first season, and I watched most of the first episode this season. Beyond that, it just isn't holding my interest...

Krystian Ramlogan
August 7th, 2005, 07:10 PM
I've been fllowing the 4400 since the mini-series last year. It's got a very interesting premise and I think the series has kept up with the potential the story contains.

I do think, there has been a slight shift in intensity and focus since the first episodes last year and the opening this year, but I think the writing is good and the overall look is pretty solid though I think there has been a slight downgrade in terms of choice of shots/cinematography probably due to more episodes being done.

So far they have tackled some pretty interesting issues, including the Rwanda issue. I'm not too sure if I would agree with the positions portrayed in that episode (they were too myopic) but at least they gave it a good shot.

I have the 4400 on my must see TV list!!

So, if you were a 4400 what power would you want to have? And more importantly, what power wouldn't you want to have?

Yi Fong Yu
August 8th, 2005, 08:35 AM
i liked the opening title =).

it's good entertainment, but i don't think it'll ever be qualified as "classic" the way the X-Files or Star Trek will be remembered.

Steven Gotz
August 8th, 2005, 08:54 AM
It is entertaining, and is a regular Sunday night recording on my DVR. As is Dead Zone, which comes on after it.

Those two are some of the few shows that my wife and I both watch. Along with all three CSI's.

She doesn't sit through my Friday night lineup of the two Stargate's and Battlestar - and the new Firefly.

Krystian Ramlogan
August 8th, 2005, 09:46 AM
I think a film or program becomes a classic with time, and it's way too soon to judge if any show currently on television will be regarded as a classic in the future. The 4400 seems to have a good following though, so who knows?

The original Star Trek had some good moments and some hokey ones, and obviously no one at that time thought it would amount to much, so again, who knows how these things work out?

It's been a while, I think, since sci-fi afficionados have had such a diverse choice with regard to programming that's fairly well-written, well-acted and well-done: SG-1, Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, 4400, Dead Zone, etc.

And, hey Steve I tune into the Friday night line up as well man!! Plus, 4400 and Dead Zone on Sundays!

As for the CSI's, well I have to admit to only following the original, though I tune in to the others occassionally.

The 4400 has some potential though and I hope the show makes full use of it.

Yi Fong Yu
August 8th, 2005, 11:18 AM
it's a long debate (what is classics&what is not).

imho, star trek is a classic because the stories are enduring. although most people tend to point out the cheesy fx, they are missing the point of the story and what they can learn from it. it's the same with twilight zone, outer limits, etc. ultimately, it is what we can learn about the human condition from those shows that can determine a higher or lower degree of its possibility to become a classic. i don't think 4400 is on the road to become that because it does not consistently keep to the human elements. i've seen every ep of 4400 upto now and now every single ep asks questions about the human condition. it tries to but the questions don't stick.

Yi Fong Yu
August 10th, 2005, 06:50 AM
if you just saw the latest ep, it's a filler. yesh it talks about father+son relationship but it's there's not much to hinge on. overhyped ep. regardless, it's still entertaining =).

Jacob Ehrichs
August 10th, 2005, 10:37 AM

Ok, what's the plot point with the woman who kills people because of sores on her hands? It seemed pretty pointless, unless the people from the future knew that she'd specifically kill certain people that needed to go. I don't think they're above doing such a thing, considering the Jordan Collier and Kyle Baldwin 'encounter'.

Overall I like the series, it's not entirely unpredictable but it's the unfolding of the story that I enjoy, not the fact that I know the end.

Yi Fong Yu
August 10th, 2005, 10:02 PM

i believe the boil thing is related to the prophecy/end times. signs of end times brought upon by the future guys.

although we don't see his body, jordan probably already traveled to the future/aka heaven? interesting...

Jacob Ehrichs
August 11th, 2005, 07:32 AM
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I don't have anything better. I'll have to do some reading around the net, but my best guess is that it was a filler episode that didn't have much impact on the overall story.

I do have my doubts about Jordan returning any time soon, but I'm pretty sure he'll be back later. None of the new episodes discuss his missing body, so I'm assuming that it's been under wraps from the Center and InTech. Otherwise the media would have been all over it.

I've always felt Jordan was the 'bad guy' as it seems to be portrayed that way, but he may in fact be a large part of the future. Or he might have been used by the future to get the Center up and running and then he's of no more use. My bet is he returns. Why else would they take his body? Only reason I can think of is that he was the catalyst that could get things started, but it was Shawn that would get the job done.

Yi Fong Yu
August 11th, 2005, 12:22 PM
remember when jordan had a vision of the future where jordan is congratulated by angelic beings (from the future?) from the evil/antichrist baby? when jordan died he said that the baby lied to him. actually, that's not true. after he dies, his body is probably resurrected in the future/heaven/prophecy/revelations, etc. so jordan was not lied to in this case, but he just didn't know. maybe. i dunno. maybe he's burning in hell and the evil baby is laughing all the way to the bank.

Mike Teutsch
August 28th, 2005, 08:31 PM
This evenings 4400 season finale was good. Cleared up many thing and opened up the new season to many plot twists. Many new abilities to begin with. And, Isabel is looking real interesting!!!

Can't wait.


Yi Fong Yu
August 31st, 2005, 12:21 PM
season2 was interesting... but i dunno if i'll be following it as closely the next season... or that it'll be renewed.

Rob Lohman
September 4th, 2005, 06:41 AM
I enjoyed it. Don't think it is superb, but definitely better than a lot of other stuff that is showing.

Jacob Ehrichs
September 6th, 2005, 05:13 PM
Quick question. Is the scraggly guy at the end by the lake someone who died previously? ;)

Steven Gotz
September 6th, 2005, 07:03 PM
yes - it is someone who died previously

Yi Fong Yu
September 6th, 2005, 08:03 PM
i think the season finale was trying to imply that all this time in season1&2, the 4400's abilities were actually inhibited. now that they don't have the suppressant, they can actually work their "miracles" to bring the future to the present.