View Full Version : New Computer Ordered - Vegas Migration Question

D.J. Ammons
December 21st, 2010, 05:33 PM
Due to some recent issues with my dual core editing computer I decided to upgrade about six months earlier than planned and today ordered a new Dell XPS 7100 with the 6 core AMD 1090T chip, ATI Radeon 5870 1 gb graphics card, 12 gb RAM, and a Blu-Ray burner.

My current set up is Sony Vegas Pro 8 that is an upgrade of Sony Vegas Pro 6. It is 32 bit operating on Vista. I am now mad at myself for not taking advantage of Sony's November deal to upgrade to 10 for only $150 since I will now want to run in 64 bit. Here are my questions;

1. To install Vegas 6 Pro on the new computer will I first have to install Vegas Pro 6 then 8? I ask because I bought 6 from B&H at a clearance price for the sole purpose of upgrading to 8 when it came out and thought I just needed the license number and could install just the upgrade. Sony made me install 6 on the computer first and then upgrade to 8.

2. Until Sony has a sale again and I can upgrade to Vegas 10 for 64 bit would it be worth it to try and run 8 on 64 bit? I saw someone say that 8.1 was 64 bit capable and I only have 8.0c so I assume I would have to update and I don't know if Sony is updating 8 any longer.

3. If I cough up the money to go ahead and get the Vegas 10 update now would I have to install 8 on the new computer first then upgrade or can I go straight to 10?

Last but not least Dell dos not offer firewire as an option anymore on the XPS series so I am going to have to add a firewire card myself. Any warnings or recommendations?

Jeff Harper
December 21st, 2010, 06:25 PM
Just install Vegas 8 64 bit version, it'll be fine.

Chip Gallo
December 22nd, 2010, 08:07 AM
The Sony Vegas Pro versions are stand alone. That is, they do not look for an already installed earlier version.

D.J. Ammons
December 22nd, 2010, 06:40 PM
Chip, As I described in the original post when I upgraded from 6 to 8 it would not let me do so until I installed 6 on the computer I wanted to install 8 on. That was probably three years ago so hopefully you are correct and that has changed as it was a pain!

D.J. Ammons
December 22nd, 2010, 06:42 PM
I have several external hard drives hooked up to my current computer that is 32 bit Vista Home Premium. I want to move these to my new 64 bit Windows 7 computer when it gets here and am wondering if there will be any issues with the files on these hard drives?

Jeff Harper
December 22nd, 2010, 08:47 PM
No, you will have no issues with the externals.

D.J. Ammons
December 22nd, 2010, 09:51 PM
Thanks everybody for the answers to my questions!