Ian Stark
December 21st, 2010, 04:36 PM
Anyone else managing to crash the BCC7 demo with alarming frequency?
I'm finding Vegas Pro 10 quite stable until I load up some of the BCC filters - especially the 3d and other generators. The 'basic' filters seem to be OK. I'm not getting any error messages, just the generic Windows 7 'Vegas Pro stopped working' white screen.
On another forum the Boris developers suggest it is a problem with Vegas that will be resolved in 10b. I guess they would . . . . ;-)
Rob Wood
December 22nd, 2010, 06:47 AM
i saw a posting on the SCS forum indicating the problem is with Open FX plugs in general (Boris, New Blue, etc) and that the 10b update should fix this.
i think this was from a user not Sony... and don't know when 10b will be out; probably sooner than later :)
i'm waiting too, hoping Boris provides optical flow for Vegas... its one feature i could use a fair bit.
Mike Kujbida
December 22nd, 2010, 11:12 AM
I'm not a Boris user but make sure that you're using the newest version (7.0.4) which was released this past Monday.
Gerald Webb
December 22nd, 2010, 02:54 PM
Very interested to see how this goes with 10b.
Ian Stark
December 22nd, 2010, 04:53 PM
OK, 7.04 and 10b . . . for me, still no joy. With m2t footage it crashes every minute or so. With SD PAL DV it is better, but only marginally. I managed to try out three effects without hitch, unchecking or removing them as I finished playing. On trying to load the 4th (one of the rays filters) it just sat there with an empty fx chain dialog box. I couldn't remove or add other plugins and after about 30 seconds it fell over completely. The white screen of death (WSOD? Is that what it's now called?) is still there.
So for me the combination of 7.04 and 10b is not stable enough for me to do any serious work. It's certainly got me calling my mother to ask her for something else for Christmas. It's my birthday in March. Maybe then?
I have read other posts elsewhere from John Rofrano who states that it must be stable because he's been able to produce his (excellent) tutorials without a single crash using 7.04. Really sorry to say that this is not my experience, although I will try and replicate his tutorials precisely to see if those particular plugins are stable (if I have time before the trial expires). I will also install the NewBlue OFX filters and see if they are any more stable.