Kaspar Kallas
December 21st, 2010, 04:04 AM
what would be the workflow to composite some shots in AE with CF3D?
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View Full Version : Compositing in 3D Kaspar Kallas December 21st, 2010, 04:04 AM what would be the workflow to composite some shots in AE with CF3D? Thank You -Kaspar Carlo Macchiavello December 21st, 2010, 04:59 AM i use two different workflow. actually i work on project that are distributed like side by side, then i edit and composite all stuff in side by side in after. i did a composition where i have two null, ones for eye, to move items, then i parent all items to null, and i use null to stretch all at half size, then i edit side by side composition. second workflow is to work one eye at time, and build a duplicated composition to sincronize eye. but to be honest, i hope a better solution for the future. Kaspar Kallas December 21st, 2010, 12:21 PM Side-by-side will not do for me as I am dealing with theatrical distribution only. Maybe an easier one, as I don't use AE almost at all, is it possible to to take left and right dpx files and create muxed 4444 file with one conversion. Right now it is 1st do all my work in Nuke then render dpx, then convert to cineform (to avoid color problems) and then mux in first light. 3 steps seem wee too much for me.... Thank You -Kaspar Carlo Macchiavello December 21st, 2010, 01:04 PM uhm.. if you do for theatrical distribution, i not understand why you reconvert in cineform. my theatrical works are finalized in dpx or tiff in xyz color space directly, to optimize color space changing. in small my actual workflow: - edit (cineform) - demux - post single eye (compositing, color, finalizing) - export in a format that not risk compression or color wasting like dpx or tiff in xyz space color - dci package building i use cineform to check the final work from dpx or tiff, but not use it for conversion to dci (i just have a new tool for dci building that support also Avi file, and i'm testing on it, but i not have actually enought experience to risk to use it in all). David Newman December 21st, 2010, 02:48 PM Maybe an easier one, as I don't use AE almost at all, is it possible to to take left and right dpx files and create muxed 4444 file with one conversion. Right now it is 1st do all my work in Nuke then render dpx, then convert to cineform (to avoid color problems) and then mux in first light. 3 steps seem wee too much for me.... Thank You -Kaspar Yes, from a shell: dpx2cf left/eye*.dpx right/eye*.dpx muxed.avi -q4 -f24.0 This will product a 3D muxed CineForm 4:4:4 file from two DPX folders in a single step (at 24.0p Filmscan 1.) David Newman December 21st, 2010, 02:51 PM - edit (cineform) - demux - post single eye (compositing, color, finalizing) - export in a format that not risk compression or color wasting like dpx or tiff in xyz space color - dci package building i use cineform to check the final work from dpx or tiff, but not use it for conversion to dci (i just have a new tool for dci building that support also Avi file, and i'm testing on it, but i not have actually enought experience to risk to use it in all). You are correct to use DPX files for the existing DCI packages, as I very much doubt they handle AVIs over 8-bit precision. However, I would love to any DCI package support native deep CineForm 2D or 3D files, as that would have advantages over DPX workflows. Kaspar Kallas December 26th, 2010, 02:08 PM Hi So the workflow should work in Win - well I guess that is ok as I planning to move all my workflow to windows anyhow (for Nvidia SDI output). Why go back to cineform after doing some comp or color, well then You need to add in titles, maybe speed changes, client review etc. Only from there I would take it back to dpx for DCP mastering. Thank You -Kaspar |