View Full Version : Looking for a good portable light
Steve Kalle January 26th, 2011, 02:20 AM After having used a SolaENG 3, Arri and Dedo Fresnel, my wishlist for an LED fresnel is this: shoe/5/8 mountable; 4 leaf barndoor, easy angle adjustment, a friggin AC power adapter plus ability to use D tap, an Arri or Dedo fresnel lens - thats all I can think of now. My main use is on light stands in place of Arri's and Dedo's. I can sort of get this list with the Sola but I needed to spend another $210 for each light ($180 AC power & $20 Dedo Shoe to 5/8). The Sola's lens is somewhat soft and no where near an Arri :( but I get extreme portability which is more important at the moment. If anyone has seen the demo on Abel Cine's site of 3 fresnels, the Sola is like the entry level (Lowel maybe?) with Arri in 2nd and Dedo as the best for hard edges.
Ray Barber January 26th, 2011, 03:50 AM I have a couple of led worklights. Could I use a suitable gel to create a tungsten filter like the HDV Z96 has?
Olof Ekbergh January 26th, 2011, 07:05 AM Most small on camera lights like the Frezzi lights only have 2 barn doors.
For more control I just carry some black light control foil. It takes up no room at all and can easily be shaped to any task, even a snoot very quickly, just make sure you leave some room for air to circulate around the lens for cooling. You can use the foil with or without the barn doors, it also is great as a quick french flag.
Bo Skelmose January 26th, 2011, 12:58 PM Got my Solar today !
I like the light - there is a lot of light !!! and the posibilities but although it seems to be very well build - the backplate with the dimmer is only mounted in one side and this could easily break off if you are scraching against someting - The barndors could be difficult to unmount and mount again in a hurry, if you would have to change the filter or gel.
The mount for the light make it possible to lower the light and thats great -now it exactly fits in my camera drawer
There is a little noise from the fan but I am usually using the camera light in noisy suroundings so it will do..
Les Wilson January 28th, 2011, 05:59 AM Does anyone know if the EX1R and SolaENG 3 combo can run off a single SWIT 8u62 battery?
Steve Kalle January 28th, 2011, 12:03 PM Does anyone know if the EX1R and SolaENG 3 combo can run off a single SWIT 8u62 battery?
That is pushing close to 50w so that battery wouldn't last long. The better option would be the Switronix 90whr battery for the EX1.
Les Wilson January 29th, 2011, 12:29 PM Yeah, as much as the Sola ENG is perfect from a lighting, weight and ergonomics, the higher output costs more power than I can budget for it. Any thoughts on something down on the list from the Sola that takes less power?
How do you like LEDzilla? I've read all the reviews and it looks good for my needs (run and gun, even spread, outdoor fill, Indoor key, dimmable, easy color change, barn doors, fresnel).
I only see sleds for the 7.2v Sony and Panny batteries. Are you aware of a sled for the Sony BP batteries?
Do I assume correctly that the LEDzilla comes with no cable or sled and you add the power option you want?
Chad Johnson January 29th, 2011, 03:22 PM Man that LEDzilla looks SWEET! Me want...
Steve Kalle January 29th, 2011, 04:49 PM Yeah, as much as the Sola ENG is perfect from a lighting, weight and ergonomics, the higher output costs more power than I can budget for it. Any thoughts on something down on the list from the Sola that takes less power?
How do you like LEDzilla? I've read all the reviews and it looks good for my needs (run and gun, even spread, outdoor fill, Indoor key, dimmable, easy color change, barn doors, fresnel).
I only see sleds for the 7.2v Sony and Panny batteries. Are you aware of a sled for the Sony BP batteries?
Do I assume correctly that the LEDzilla comes with no cable or sled and you add the power option you want?
Yes, you are correct - there is NO power source included with the LEDzilla. Also, the 'Swit' power cable from Dedo is not for ANY Swit battery I have ever seen, and this is the cable that I ordered for my Swit batteries. Thus, I had to order a different cable - the A-B cable with D-tap; so, I have not been able to use my Dedo yet :(
Have you seen the review in the Photon forum of the Dedo? This review sold me on it.
From what I have seen so far, this light is rather lite and balances very well with my Zacuto rig and EX3. For weight & balance purposes, I chose not to use their battery plate. Take a look at their PDF for accessories:
Chad Johnson January 29th, 2011, 05:02 PM The LEDzilla accessories seem to be a gyp. The tube attachment was like 270.00 - for a plastic tube... 500.00 or so seems reasonable for a sweet light, but hundreds more for a wee soft box, Chinese lantern, or tube is just wrong IMO. Still, me want...
Les Wilson January 30th, 2011, 04:48 AM Also, the 'Swit' power cable from Dedo is not for ANY Swit battery I have ever seen, and this is the cable that I ordered for my Swit batteries. Thus, I had to order a different cable - the A-B cable with D-tap; so, I have not been able to use my Dedo yet :([/url]
Yes, those reviews are helpful and I found the PDF on the Dedo site. That's when I realized there are no power options in the base kit. For EX mounting, do you recommend the 22" or the 8.6" AB cable with the D-TAP? I would think the 8.6" would not reach the EX shoe or permit the Ledzilla articulating arm to move much.
Ed Roo February 4th, 2011, 10:35 AM For anyone who purchased a SOLA ENG from an online vendor, how long did you have to wait from the time you placed your order until it arrived?
I ordered one from B&H two weeks ago. They say to expect 2-4 weeks. I am curious if it will take the full four weeks?
Les Wilson February 11th, 2011, 03:00 PM Using an 8U62 SWIT battery, I ran the EX1R with LCD on and recording for 3 hours with the LEDzilla on full blast the whole time. YMMV
Steve Kalle February 12th, 2011, 03:08 AM I finally received the Dedo D-tap cable and used the light tonight for 30 mins and then switched to my SolaENG for greater reach. For just the light and power cable, the SolaENG is actually cheaper because the Dedo does not include any power source and the cheapest power adapter is about $50 not including the battery (Sony or Panny). The Sola is so much more powerful but has a stupid fan that can easily go bad as I learned from the 2nd unit I bought and I am still waiting for a new unit to arrive. Also, the fan on my 'good' Sola occasionally makes sounds for a few seconds when first turning on.
On the Dedo, I really do not like the lack of the two 'joints' solidly tightening. No matter what I do, I can still move each joint which makes it very tough to adjust the light's angle when the camera is on my shoulder because I adjust one joint and the other moves.
Other thoughts: the dimmer on the Dedo works great and it has a scale for spot to flood.
However, the Sola doesn't dim til about 50% turned and then quickly dims down and its lowest setting is roughly equal to the Dedo (I'd like it to dim a little lower). There is no scale for spot to flood so its difficult to know how far to go either way and at full flood, its dial rubs against the dimmer dial and can move the dimmer dial just enough to turn it off. The Sola's full spot is about 90% fully turned and starts going away from spot when turned 100% - I really don't like this. The Sola's dimmer turns the light off at 100% dimming which I also do not like. There is also no scale for the Sola's dimmer so I occasionally turn the light off when going back to full power. I think that the lack of any scale can be fixed by making marks so I can see them when I am shooting with my shoulder rig.
Build quality: the Dedo wins hands down.
Off-camera use: the SolaENG 3 easily wins but isn't a great replacement for an Arri 300w fresnel if you need excellent control and shaping of the light. The Sola only has 2 barndoors, somewhat limited angle adjustment and its lens is no where near the quality of an Arri. BUT, I can shoot anywhere with the 2 Sola's and the Dedo (great 3 light battery-powered kit) which, ultimately, is why I changed my order from the Arri's to the Sola's.
Full Flood Coverage Area: this is another reason I prefer the Sola. From 12-15 feet, I was able to light a standing 2 person interview (think of a reporter asking a person questions in the field).
On a side note: another reason I prefer the SolaENG is that it helps to balance my EX3 with Zacuto shoulder rig, nanoFlash, wireless receivers and Swit v-mount battery.