View Full Version : Does the AF-100 Line skip?
Olof Ekbergh February 4th, 2011, 01:07 PM Things to bear in mind.
Lens matters tremendously, you also have to be really sure of the focus. Not always easy. Slightly OOF and result is meaningless. Sharpening can cause problems and viewing on a computer screen can cause moire.
I will run some checks with charts next week using different lenses, and I guarantee I can get different results. I will post my findings here.
I will also compare HDSDI out direct recorded to NF and to AF100 native CF card.
You also have to try different scene settings to be fair.
David Heath February 4th, 2011, 01:26 PM Things to bear in mind.
Lens matters tremendously, you also have to be really sure of the focus. Not always easy. Slightly OOF and result is meaningless.
Not true. In the case of a too soft lens, or being out of focus, all that happens is the amount of aliasing drops off, as does the mtf of the coarser (true) detail.
What doesn't change is the aliasing pattern in terms of fundamental shape, and where the aliases appear to be focussed. (The centre of the circle of which the arc is a part.) That's fundamental to the sensor pattern, and how the image is derived.
I believe this is exactly what Simon meant by "This cannot be put down to a lens or focus issue because for aliasing to occur, there has to be detail in the first place."
I don't see how scene settings are likely to affect max resolution.....?
David W. Jones February 4th, 2011, 01:36 PM Hi Jan, here are some extracts from a chart. I realise lens choice has an effect, but information I have suggests that the results shown in these chart extracts are being replicated. I would be interested as to why, for example, the chart shows some very strange issues, such as why there is still aliasing showing even when there is no apparent detail shown (eg in the circular section of the chart I have attached)?
This cannot be put down to a lens or focus issue because for aliasing to occur, there has to be detail in the first place.
So did you shoot this, and what chart was used?
Or is this someone else's test?
William Hohauser February 4th, 2011, 04:24 PM They are 100% crops of a res chart. Totally reliable I assure you. Though they had to be recompressed for the web, the detail on show is the same as the original. As I mentioned, others are finding similar results.
I didn't post the whole chart because it isn't necessary. The crops I have posted are the focal points of the issues I mention.
Thank you for clarifying that.
These images are in focus otherwise the aliasing pattern would not be there. It doesn't seem to be a lens issue. How do the detail adjustments affect this aliasing issue? Is the low pass filter adjustable?
James Campbell February 5th, 2011, 03:32 PM Simon Wyndham: tests demonstrate "camera is only really producing 650-700 TVL of good resolution, rather than 900-1000 odd TVL that one would expect from a true 1080p camera,"
Jan then replied that she sees Res charts with more than 800 lines.
I'm sure Jan is being forthright. Are there circumstances where these different results could occur?
My main question: for a point of reference, what would a 1080p camera in the same price range -- the EX1R for example -- have for lines?
Andy Wilkinson February 5th, 2011, 03:59 PM If I remember correctly (I have an EX3), about 1000.
Simon Wyndham February 5th, 2011, 04:04 PM Yep, the EX series is just shy of 1000, and with minimal aliasing.
David Heath February 5th, 2011, 04:16 PM Jan then replied that she sees Res charts with more than 800 lines.
I'm sure Jan is being forthright. Are there circumstances where these different results could occur?
The apparent contradiction is easily explained. Look at Simon Wyndhams second photograph - the one with the resolution blocks of horizontal lines. You can clearly see lines seemingly "resolved" on the 800 line resolution block. I'm sure this is what Jan is seeing.
Trouble is - it's aliasing. It's "false" - apparent - resolution.
That's obvious from Simons other photograph and the circular rings, especially the ring corresponding to 800. When near horizontal, the lines are bent the opposite way to the lower rings for resolution - their apparent centre is not the centre of the chart. They are aliases. They don't truly represent the pattern on the chart.
There is also another way to think about it. Look again at Simons second photograph. ( af101-horizontal.jpg ) In the blocks 200, to 400, to 600, the lines get closer together - as they should, same as the real chart. But look closely at the "800" block. The lines appear to not be as close together as in the previous (600) block. Why? Because they are aliases.
You can just still see "detail" in the 1000 block - but the lines are then even further spaced apart. Exactly what would be expected from aliases.
For this camera, it can resolve 600 TVL - it can't resolve 800. It appears to - but is just aliasing.
James Campbell February 8th, 2011, 05:27 AM Stupid question (as I'm deciding between the EX1R and the AF100): for approximately the same price, I could buy an AF100 along with a NanoFlash unit as compared to an EX1R. Wouldn't using the NanoFlash with the AF100 and being able to record at such a high bitrate with 4:2:2 color raise the quality of the AF100 video capture above what the EX1R captures natively? (I know it's a newbie question... I'm just not sure what happens when in the capture process to capture higher resolution).
Tim Polster February 8th, 2011, 11:05 AM The Nanoflash can only record what the camera gives it. So if the AF-100 captures 700 or 800 lines then the Nanoflash will record 700 or 800 lines.
What the Nanoflash does for you is record those 700 or 800 lines with more information which leads to a closer representation to the uncompressed signal.
Jan Crittenden Livingston February 9th, 2011, 09:28 AM The apparent contradiction is easily explained. Look at Simon Wyndhams second photograph - the one with the resolution blocks of horizontal lines. You can clearly see lines seemingly "resolved" on the 800 line resolution block. I'm sure this is what Jan is seeing.
Actually I am seeing resolution in the DSC chart and it is not aliasing. You cannot be sure about what I am seeing as you are not here in my lab looking at my setup and my DSC chart.
Mestizo Devon February 9th, 2011, 11:49 AM Stupid question (as I'm deciding between the EX1R and the AF100): for approximately the same price, I could buy an AF100 along with a NanoFlash unit as compared to an EX1R. Wouldn't using the NanoFlash with the AF100 and being able to record at such a high bitrate with 4:2:2 color raise the quality of the AF100 video capture above what the EX1R captures natively? (I know it's a newbie question... I'm just not sure what happens when in the capture process to capture higher resolution).
Where can you purchase an Af100 and nanoflash for less than a exlr?
David Heath February 9th, 2011, 11:50 AM You cannot be sure about what I am seeing as you are not here in my lab looking at my setup and my DSC chart.
Well - can I ask how you therefore explain Simons chart that we are all able to see?
Which clearly DOES seem to show the 800 line result to be aliasing? And which seems to correlate with other results that have been seen?
Is it possible for you to post an image of a test chart (ideally a zone plate) showing exactly the results you are obtaining?
Jan Crittenden Livingston February 9th, 2011, 12:01 PM Not sure what Simon posted, didn't look at it. Keep in mind that resolution is a factor of more than just the camera. You need a lens that will resolve the resolution as well. We are using a backlit DSC chart, a Zeiss 50mm Compact Prime and the AF100 set at 400 ISO.
Simon Wyndham February 9th, 2011, 12:55 PM Jan, you really should look at the images I posted (and it is, if you don't mind me saying, a little curt to dismiss them out of hand and hold a discussion on the matter without even looking at them). Aliasing is visible where there is no apparent detail at all, which completely rules out the lens or focus. The lens was clearly resolving the detail, but the camera was reducing it all to aliasing.
Further, as David mentioned, others who have been performing tests have been getting similar results. I do not think there is any need to be defensive about this. Science is about actual results, not emotional disagreement. Without seeing your results, especially a zone plate which would prove what you are saying outright, we cannot take what you say as read, especially when the evidence that is on show says otherwise. Incidentally, the chart used in the shots I posted was a front lit DSC chart. Other settings are irrelevant in this case AFAIAC. If the lens was firing an even sharper image into the camera the aliasing wouldn't go away. Some reduction in aliasing might be achieved by lowering the enhancement in camera, but as you can see there is aliasing even on areas where detail has been reduced to an almost flat grey fill.
Chris Hurd February 9th, 2011, 01:19 PM There has been absolutely no "emotional disagreement" anywhere in this discussion, but
it's just that type of baseless accusation that results in closed threads and locked accounts.
Don't do it again.
David W. Jones February 9th, 2011, 01:20 PM So let me ask the question one more time Simon, did you shoot the chart or was it passed on to you?
Our results were as Jan had mentioned. We tested the AF100 on several charts, in several scenarios, and under varying conditions. It passed our tests with flying colors and we put in into use with our Red.
You may be into the "science" of camera specs, which is all well and good.
But we are into making money in the commercial business. And this camera paid for itself in under a week! IMHO, this camera is a no-brainer, no matter how many lines of resolution "you" are seeing on a chart.
All the Best!
Jan Crittenden Livingston February 9th, 2011, 01:21 PM Hi Simon,
So which lens did you use? I think it is pretty odd as I know that my engineer , Barry Green and I all saw 800 lines. Barry Russo, said he would set it up again and do a frame grab for me, but it might take a couple of days. Settings were right out of the box without tweaking. I thik the lens might be a key influencer on this though.
David Heath February 9th, 2011, 01:30 PM Not sure what Simon posted, didn't look at it.
I really think it would be a good idea if you did, Jan. The results are pretty conclusive, especially regarding the alias patterns from the circular resolution rings.
Did you read what I previously put? (Post no 50.) If not:
True (or "real") detail resolves as it should according to the original chart, aliasing shows as a false,arc whose centre appears to be somewhere other than the centre of the pattern. Simon Wyndhams first image shows the aliasing well. On the fourth ring (the 800lph ring), the circles appear to have a centre to the left of the chart - they are clearly aliases.
Keep in mind that resolution is a factor of more than just the camera. You need a lens that will resolve the resolution as well.
Again, this has been covered before. (See post 52.) A different lens will give a different mtf to the result - but will do NOTHING to affect the shape of the alias patterns, if any can be seen. Their shape is solely a function of the native camera resolution.
And as Simon says, the mere fact that alias patterns CAN be seen must indicate that it's the native camera resolution that is the weak link - NOT lens resolution.
If you dispute the results that Simon posted, if you think he has done something wrong, then please, would you like to show us what you have seen?
[EDIT - Having just seen your last answer, can I further ask if your chart had circular rings of resolution (as Simons example) or just vertical and horizontal lines? The former shows up what is true detail and what is aliasing easily, the latter doesn't do so anything like as well. If it's all you've got, try panning the camera slowly from side to side. If the 800 block lines appear to ripple in the opposite direction to the direction the block is moving, they're aliases.]
Jan Crittenden Livingston February 9th, 2011, 01:39 PM Okay, So I took a look at the charts that Simon posted. And as soon as Barry pulls it together I will post our results but they do not look like Simon's results.
David Heath February 9th, 2011, 02:48 PM soon as Barry pulls it together I will post our results ...
Thanks Jan - I look forward to seeing them.
After the last paragraph of my last post, it occurs to me that if you only have a chart with horizontal and vertical res lines, then could you also post a couple of seconds of movement - very slowly panning across the chart? So we can be unequivocally sure whether we're seeing aliasing or real detail? Obviously, a chart with circular resolution or a zone plate would be far better.
The effect ("If the 800 block lines appear to ripple in the opposite direction to the direction the block is moving, they're aliases") is analogous to the wagon wheels on the stagecoach appearing to turn backwards. (That's also aliasing, though wrt time, not space, as in this case.)
James Campbell February 10th, 2011, 06:22 AM Quote from David Jones in post #67:
"Our results were as Jan had mentioned. We tested the AF100 on several charts, in several scenarios, and under varying conditions."
David: are you also able to post your results?
David W. Jones February 10th, 2011, 09:36 AM Quote from David Jones in post #67:
"Our results were as Jan had mentioned. We tested the AF100 on several charts, in several scenarios, and under varying conditions."
David: are you also able to post your results?
We burned that footage long ago. No need to keep it around as we have put the camera into production work. We captured to SDXC card as well as SDI into a Kona card and determined that for the majority of the stuff we would shoot with the AF100, SDXC would be fine. For higher end work & keying we can use the Red. As far as footage goes, we do broadcast work which we never post on places like youtube or vimeo.
By the way... This thread has gone way off course.
Original question... Does the AF100 line skip?
Answered by Panasonic Rep... No.
All the Best!
David Heath February 10th, 2011, 10:11 AM By the way... This thread has gone way off course.
Original question... Does the AF100 line skip?
I disagree that the thread has gone off course. It's possible to infer quite a lot from properly done test charts about how a camera is working internally, how it's reading the chip. If we accept Simons results as valid, then one thing they conclusively prove is that it is *NOT* line skipping - as I said many posts ago, see post no 40.
Line skipping would not give a symmetrical hor/vert result to zone plates or Simons chart. Of course, the obvious question then is "if not line skipping, what is it doing?"! That's the current validity to the thread.
The most likely theories I've had presented to me revolve around some form of pixel binning (which the GH2 - same sensor - certainly DOES do in some modes) - but Jan denies that. So if not that, just what is it doing?
I think the next step is to see whether any further tests show different results to Simons, or tend to substantiate what he has posted. Let's wait and see what Jan comes up with - and may I ask how Olofs tests with an AF101 and charts are going? (Post 51.) Do you have anything yet to share with us, Olof? (And do you have charts with circular resolution rings?)
William Hohauser February 10th, 2011, 11:12 AM I am enjoying this discussion very much. A lot of important technical issues are being discussed here. Regardless of the resolution issues, the camera puts out a very, very impressive image.
Chris Barcellos February 10th, 2011, 12:15 PM Yeah, this reminds me of the big arguments regarding the Canon 5D and other DSLRs. People saying you can't shoot this or that with that camera. Two years later its all being done by professionals--- professionals that are able to take what the gear has to offer and use it as a tool, and gets some beautiful images out of it and into commercially accepted projects.
There is no doubt that this camera is intended for the indi film maker and small studio. Panasonic has always catered to this crowd. While I am not sure if this is my future camera, I think Panasonic deserves major kudos for pushing this 4/3's format and for pushing the market forward into the large chip and interchangeable lens era. Sony (already moving that way) and Canon will have to follow in their video lines.
James Campbell February 10th, 2011, 05:28 PM "I am enjoying this discussion very much." Agreed. Even though there's a spirited back and forth, I think the resolution (no pun intended) of the questions in this post are very important. I personally only purchase a camera at this price range only every 3-4 years, so it's important to determine if the resolution is as high quality as possible to open up as many distribution options as possible.
In the long run, there would be no upside to Panasonic indicating all over the internet and their own documentation that the resolution is 800 lines if it wasn't so, as it would certainly be discovered at some point. But I guess the proof will be in the pudding, as they say, and it'll be interesting to see the charts as described.
Kris Koster February 11th, 2011, 06:30 AM I've had the benefit of reading this entire thread from start to finish in one go.
Simon said posts and posts ago that the image he produced was a 100% 1:1 crop of the full 1920x1080 image, not downscaled.
I ask, can we see the entire 1920x1080 image, not a crop or downsampled for the web? That wouldn't be a heck of a lot of trouble, would it? Considering there is so much debate here on that very image, I see that it's only fair we see the entire frame and details about what lens was used to reproduce it. The info we have on it thus far is minimal.
Noah Yuan-Vogel February 18th, 2011, 03:00 PM Of course, the obvious question then is "if not line skipping, what is it doing?"! That's the current validity to the thread.
The most likely theories I've had presented to me revolve around some form of pixel binning (which the GH2 - same sensor - certainly DOES do in some modes) - but Jan denies that. So if not that, just what is it doing?
It's hard to know what to make of the the AF100 sensor. It's pretty amazing that no one at Panasonic knows or is able to tell us how the AF100 sensor works. It's visibly similar in size to the GH2 sensor with same size pixels and and released around the same time, and Panasonic says it is not the same sensor but cannot tell us even one way in which it is different besides possibly OLPF, which isnt really the sensor itself. Why put a 12+MP sensor in a 2MP camera unless you already had a 12+MP sensor sitting around?
Panasonic says the AF100 does not line skip and does not pixel bin? Is there some other option besides reading all 12MP at 60fps? it seems hard to imagine, though maybe not impossible i suppose, that the camera is processing data from the sensor at >1GB/s without extensive cooling or power consumption. Panasonic answering the line skipping question so decisively but with no explanation given the circumstances seems to just bring up more questions. Additionally, I am not sure I understand why answers about line skipping always are followed by information about an OLPF. Jan makes it sound like there is a special OLPF that helps avoid aliasing, but if there is no skipping or binning, it should not need a super special OLPF. Just an light OLPF designed for the full 12MP sensor should suffice, since it is line skipping that would cause a need for an extra strong OLPF to avoid aliasing in the first place.
Maybe they just mean "No, you wont see artifacts of line skipping as strongly as you are used to with other line skipping cameras like the 5D/7D" or "No, we do not skip lines, but we do bin them which causes similar artifacts but helps with noise, but the aliasing aftifacts are handled by a strong OLPF".
I hope they mean "No, the sensor reads all 12MP at 14bits and 60fps at 720MP/s and processes the data at full resolution at 1.2GB/s and does a high quality downscale to 1080p for encoding and recording, and all that stuff we said about the OLPF actually isnt that important because the images are so oversampled that there is incredible sharpness with no aliasing anyway." It seems unlikely, though, especially after seeing it moire a bit on charts.
In the end, I guess what matters is that we know the practical realities of the camera: It does show some aliasing but not too much unless you shoot charts and crank up detail. It's not magic, its performance in terms of latitude and noise are, like most of its competitors, proportional to its sensor size and retail price.
It doesn't matter that we dont really know how it performs as it does, but it is a little bothersome that the company that designed the camera wont tell us some of its basic design features.
Jan Crittenden Livingston February 18th, 2011, 04:13 PM Hi,
The Zacuto Shoot out is in process, and frankly by the time I get to this little task that may well be published. I know it will be shown at NAB.
Please know that I have a very busy job that requires a lot of extra time and having these chart thrown into it is just not on the schedule as there are other things that I am having to do that are more time sensitive. I simply just don't seem to find the time to set all of this stuff up and do this. Sorry.
Knowing that all will be proven with the Zacuto Camera shoot out, is probably the best thing. So with this, I bid this list adieu. See you all around the web.
Noah Yuan-Vogel February 18th, 2011, 04:21 PM there is no line skipping being used. It uses an optical low-pass filter to resolve the aliasing and moire that is typical from high count imagers.
Isn't aliasing and moire less common in high (pixel) count imagers? More numerous, smaller pixels, means more samples and less space between samples, which would seem to mean less aliasing. Unless you are talking about aliasing that is typical from line-skipping on high pixel count imagers?
Jan Crittenden Livingston February 18th, 2011, 05:29 PM Last post, My engineer was there with the cameras all the way and the folks, ASC Members, DPs and DITs that are well-known in this industry, that are running the test are big names in the industry. there were close to 85 people involved in the first round and I do trust them.
There are not vast budgets and huge headcounts at any video manufacturer these days. Sorry, I wish that were true, but it is not. I do the work of 5 people, if I go back to comparing what I do to who did it in 1996. I am busy and I am not an engineer and I would need to involve my engineer to get this done and since I took up 3 of his days for the Zacuto shoot and there is yet another segment of that I need him for.
Anybody that would like to decide on a camera can visit the vimeo site where I have collected a good number of clips created by people that own the camera, see here: AF100 Footage and Interviews/Presentations videos on Vimeo ( or they can visit their local reseller for a demo.
And while it seems that you can read whatever into my departure, I just am busy and need to spend the time on things more constructive as we prep for NAB I don't have the time to chase this down and I regret even posting on this thread. I could post any res chart I wanted and you wouldn't or couldn't argue it was or was not the AF100. I think the Zacuto shootout will be the answer as there you have a chart that it is certainly verified by more than one person that it is the AF100. So I am saying that I will live with what the folks from the shoot out say. People vastly smarter that I were there.
And in a way, I am saying that you don't get paid for lines of resolution, you do get paid for creating nice pictures. Buying a camera on resolution alone is a mistake, but there are those on this list that will argue that is how you make the decision. I think potential clients would rather see video that has been created in a controlled and even way to be inspiring and beautiful rather than chart after chart of resolution. It isn't about resolution, it is about the pictures.
Ron Wilber February 19th, 2011, 12:22 AM dang... this isn't a 40 thousand dollar camera. Pixel peeping and hounding to this extent, on a camera that will be out of date in 6-12 months, seems rather pointless. If you haven't already made up your mind about the af100 with all the footage and discussions floating around... then this is clearly not the camera for you.
Noah Yuan-Vogel February 19th, 2011, 09:49 AM dang... this isn't a 40 thousand dollar camera. Pixel peeping and hounding to this extent, on a camera that will be out of date in 6-12 months, seems rather pointless. If you haven't already made up your mind about the af100 with all the footage and discussions floating around.. then this is clearly not the camera for you.
I would highly recommend against making all your decisions about a camera based entirely on compressed online video and forum discussions. The AF100 still is still backordered at most stores, so it is not yet available to all of those that would like to own/try it, so in many ways a lot of what has been said about the camera is still speculation and early-adopter opinions.
If you are not interested in the discussion due to having already made up your mind, you do not need to be involved, but in my mind some of these questions we have posed may determine whether this camera will be "out of date" in 3months or 3years given the various competing products about to come to market.
Mestizo Devon February 19th, 2011, 09:52 AM I think thats the point, get the best camera you can at the time because next week the af100A will have less noise and better IQ and so on. I'm tired of the incremental updates, I need a camera to stand TALL for a couple years!
David W. Jones February 19th, 2011, 12:12 PM Well this will be my last post in this thread, and quite frankly I'm surprised it has lasted this long with all the ill will being poured out. I Wish Jan the best, as she has been nothing but helpful, even under fire from the likes of people who's only intention is to stir the pot.
I have used many cameras over the years. From a Quaker Oatmeal box pinhole camera to an Arri 535B, and everything in between. And the only thing that has been consistent, is change. Cameras will come and go as technology moves forward. No camera will be the end all camera. Truth is, I have purchased 4 new cameras since the announcement of the Red Scarlet. Our newest camera purchase, the AF100 was so cost effective it paid for itself in under a week. Which is the fastest I have ever had a camera pay for itself.
Bottom line... If you feel the AF100 is not the camera for you, don't buy it!
All the Best!
Chris Hurd February 19th, 2011, 12:23 PM What difference is made by all the measurbating? Zero.
We are officially done, done and done with this thread.
Many thanks to Ron Wilber, David Jones and Jan C. L.