View Full Version : Looking for Sound Forge tutorials

K. Forman
August 6th, 2005, 03:28 PM
Anybody know of any decent online tutorials? I'm particularly interested in how to select and reduce background noise. Thanks.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 6th, 2005, 06:57 PM has lots of tutorials, including a Sound Forge Noise Reduction tutorial.

K. Forman
August 6th, 2005, 07:10 PM
Thanks Spot, that is what I was hoping for!

K. Forman
August 6th, 2005, 10:30 PM
I went to the tutorial, but all that shows is the title, by you, and some ads. No tutorial.

K. Forman
August 6th, 2005, 10:38 PM
Ohhhhh... Now I see that I need to join. Nevermind :)

K. Forman
August 7th, 2005, 08:16 AM
Spot- I'm using SF 4.5, and it doesn't have the "Capture Noiseprint" feature. Is there something else that will do the same thing?

John Rofrano
August 7th, 2005, 08:55 AM
No version of Sound Forge has "Capture Noiseprint". It's part of a separately purchasable plug-in called Sony Noise Reduction which should work with your copy of SF 4.5. If NR is too expensive, try BIAS Sound Soap 2. It's not as robust in function, but it's not as expensive either. Sound Soap 2 is pretty good for the money. I use it. Like any noise reduction, you need to remove less and make multiple passes to get good results.


Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 7th, 2005, 09:16 AM
JR beat me to the answer. :-)
Sound Forge 7 and 8 now come bundled with NR from many dealers, so you might consider that an upgrade as it's basically free. But...there is no free solution to noise reduction that I'm aware of, other than the EQ method I talk about in that one tutorial there.

K. Forman
August 7th, 2005, 09:32 AM
John- Thanks for the tip about sound soap, I'll look into it.

Spot- Was the noise reduction for Vegas the only one, or did I miss another tutorial? I have been using the EQ method, but with little success. I think my biggest problem, aside from audio ignorance in general, was trying too aggressively to remove these unwanted noises. This of course didn't get all the noise, but did bring down the overall quality of the rest of the track.