View Full Version : Laptop will not see Z1

Dave Campbell
August 6th, 2005, 01:01 PM
This is driving me nuts.

If I hook my vx2000 to my laptop, it is seen just fine.
If I hook my z1 to my laptop, no connection no matter what modes I seem to move it to.
If I hook my z1 to my desktop, it is seen just fine.

Any ideas?


Boyd Ostroff
August 6th, 2005, 01:12 PM
I think we'll need a little more information, like what operating system and editing software you're using, before anyone will be able to help you with this...

Dave Campbell
August 6th, 2005, 02:08 PM
I am running windows xp sp2.
The editing s/w, etc really does not seem to be an issue yet.

Meaning, if I plug in my vx2000, and go to my computer, I see the vx2000 camera via the firewire.

If I connect my Z1 to this same cable on this laptop, nothing.

If I connect my Z1 to a desktop running the same OS, it sees it no problemo.
I have tried record and VCR modes. I have flipped settings from HDV to DVCAM to DV. Nothing seems to have the firewire seen on my portable.
I have used the build in firewire, and a different PCMIA card. All have the same results as above.

So when it connect as above, all editing packages work fine.


Boyd Ostroff
August 6th, 2005, 02:10 PM
Sorry, I use Macs. Hopefully someone else will have some ideas...

Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 6th, 2005, 06:46 PM
First, sad that you've been burdened with service pak 2....that's gonna be a pain, more than likely. I hope you've downloaded Micro$ofts 1394 patch.
1. Connect camera/Z1
2. Go to Device manager (in control panel/System)
3. Look for the AVC device.
4. Right click it, choose Update Driver
5. Do NOT allow Windows to search for driver. Tell it you will find the driver yourself.
6. Browse to Sound, Video, Game controllers
7. In there, you'll see Sony directory. Open it.
8. Click on the DVHS driver.

Capture video, have fun, make lotsa money and fame.

Dave Campbell
August 6th, 2005, 06:54 PM
Where is the MS 1394 driver update? Unless it came from an update, I have not done anything.

What is wierd is I got it to work once, and then never again.

Will give things a try.



Dave Campbell
August 6th, 2005, 06:58 PM
Is this it?


Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 6th, 2005, 07:10 PM
That would be the one.

Dave Campbell
August 6th, 2005, 07:37 PM
Well, very very flaky.

In PPro, it I switch it on and off, it will work most of the time in VCR mode.
Only got it to work once so far in camera mode.

If I hook up my vx2000, it works just fine.

Now, what I am trying to get this to work with is my Serious Magic Ultra s/w.
So, with the config you suggested, the vx2000 works just fine.
But, if I hook up the Z1, all I get is a white screen.

So, it clearly looks like the av/c driver is the issue. I just do not understand how the vx2000 works totally fine, but I can not get this z1 to work correctly.


Ed Szarleta
August 6th, 2005, 10:22 PM

Your disdain for SP2 is well documented. Often times Microsoft service packs are a disaster upon release, but in regards to Vegas and other general pc use, I have had no issues to date.

The Microsoft 1394 Patch is "strickly" relevant to using firewire 800 ports. Although an easy fix with the download, if your using 1394a (S400) ports, it simply isn't an issue.

Just wanted to share my experiece with SP2 and video editing on several applications. For me, it has caused no problems, and actually required for most of my apps.

My Hardware and Software: Z1U, Vegas 6, Premiere Pro 1.5, AE 6.5. Cineform workflow throughout until YUV master.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 6th, 2005, 11:26 PM

Your disdain for SP2 is well documented. Often times Microsoft service packs are a disaster upon release, but in regards to Vegas and other general pc use, I have had no issues to date.

Consider yourself lucky regarding SP2. As you might know, I moderate several forums. The problems described in posts are legion. I have a laptop that came with SP2, it too, has been a lot of difficulty when I upset the balance of hardware that I usually teach with or record with. Sony initially said that there were no issues with SP2 for Vegas, but now says "upgrade if you need to." There are exceptionally long threads on this in many places. Most DSR 11 users have never been able to get SP2 and their decks communicating. We have one desktop running SP2 that is having no issues. It's also not a higher-end machine, consisting of older hardware, where the majority of our machines are newer and much more robust in terms of hardware/software combinations.

Regarding the 1394 patch, yes, Microsoft says it's for FW2. However, several users on the Sony site, as well as myself have seen several devices, (in my case the M-Audio FW 410 and Echo Audio EchoFire8) resolve themselves of issues. John Meyer has a fairly lengthy supposition as to why this is.
None of our many SP1 machines exhibit any of these problems.
I'd suggest that simply because *you* are having no problems would equate to "no one should have problems." Various machine configs with various drivers are going to have various behaviors

Dave Campbell
August 7th, 2005, 05:28 AM
Yes, my desktop works fine.

Now, why does my vx2000 work just fine with my laptop, but the z1 is flaky?
It clearly seems to be the driver and z1 (fx1) interface. So, does this mean it is a MS issue, or a Sony issue?


Ed Szarleta
August 7th, 2005, 07:34 AM

Yes, obviously there are many configs and I wasn't implying that if mine was ok than everyone elses must be. Simply pointing out that mine is ok with the listed hardware. I config NLE's as a day job and realize some decks and hardware have issues. Just as you know that my config at home might not represent everyone elses, you also have to realize those having problems with SP2 and there HW/SW is not the norm either. It all depends on the specifics. Overall though, with new configs (clone boxes and HP workstations are my experience) and exsisting configs, I have had issues in less then 5% of the boxes.

Perhaps a clean install vs an upgrade would rememdy some of the problems. Those with specific hardware issues (DSR11) should stay clear.

Not trying to pick a fight by any means, for I respect your knowledge on these forums. But, to say "consider yourself lucky" just implies that I am in the minority and I just don't see that.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 7th, 2005, 09:09 AM
Yes, my desktop works fine.

Now, why does my vx2000 work just fine with my laptop, but the z1 is flaky?
It clearly seems to be the driver and z1 (fx1) interface. So, does this mean it is a MS issue, or a Sony issue?

It's a microsoft issue, Dave. We have a machine (with SP2 on it) that is very flakey with the HDV camcorders. Not just the Z1, but with the JVC, and all 4 Sony camcorders. It also has problems with the older DS10 deck/displays.

Dave Campbell
August 7th, 2005, 03:52 PM
My experience over the years is not all firewire chips are made equal.
Years ago I worked with a person on a project with Linux and we found one set of chips worked welll, but others did not.

Now, what ever chip the audigy 2 sound card uses for firewire has been rock solid. Seems like what ever chips are in more portable are not as friendly.

Oh well,


Mick Jenner
August 18th, 2005, 01:15 PM
I had a similiar problem and had to install service pack 2 . It would appear from other forums that you need to get the SP2 disc rather than the download apparently there were issues with the download. It happened to me in April an I obtained the disc from PC World. Also they were being given away with PC mags.

Hope this helps

