Aaron Leung
December 13th, 2010, 03:34 PM
Read a bunch of reviews on cheesycam.com about flycam nano. I just want to see if the dvinfo community had used the Flycam nano with 60D and see what's your experienced with it.
Fabian Malovini
January 12th, 2011, 12:58 PM
Hey Aaron,
I personally have the 60D and the Flycam Nano. I use the this set up paired up with my 16-35mm 2.8 L II lens which is a monster. I have it balanced but not perfect. needs to be fine tuned. Im running 6 weights back and 3 front. it works great and it can defitnitley handle it. the 16-35 lens i have on it is huge. so its hard to balance, but as i said it needs to be fine tuned. im thinking about using my 60d with my 50 mm prime lens. the lens would be smaller and i may be able to really get it balaced 100% but then i would be at a 50mm on a cropped body.
Aaron Leung
January 12th, 2011, 05:24 PM
Hi Fabian,
Thx for the reply. I couldn't wait so I got the flycam nano as well.
I use it to fly: 60d+Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8
Since it is my first time using a steadicam, I had a hard time finding the balance. And once I find the balance (sort of) and had to remove it from the "slow" release plate, it means I need to re-balance over again when I need to put it back. So, I ended up installing a Manfrotto 577 QR mount on the flycam. With the Manfrotto 577, it adds another 1/2 lb to the flycam, but I think it is well worth it.
Like you, I still needing to fine tune the balance.