View Full Version : Help! Images missing from CF card.

Marty Hudzik
December 13th, 2010, 07:56 AM
So I have the 7D and a Kingston 133x CF card that I have used for 9 months without issue. I shot some photos on Friday and then last evening I was at a Christmas Party and too 60-70 photos and some video. When I got home I checked them on the camera and I was able to view all of the photos and video. However, this morning, I plugged the flash card into my reader, and it doesn't show any images or videos from last night. Everything from Friday is intact.

So I stay calm and figure my PC is not refreshing or something and I put the card back in my camera. Lo and behold the images and videos are not there either.....just the images from Friday and earlier. How is this possible? I looked at the images and movies before I went to bed, 3 hours after I took them. I know they were stored on the CF card. Now, they are all gone? Just last nights.....nothing earlier.

So, being an IT Manager I know a thing or two about file recovery, and after I save off all the images I am going to attempt to scan the card for deleted files with a few tools and hopefully I can recover these. I am very concerned about this going forward? What caused this? What if this was a wedding or a once in a lifetime event? Can I trust my 7D?

Can anyone offer some imsight onto what might have happened? I am totally spooked now and will be scared and paranoid going forward if I Cannot figured out how to prevent this in the future.


Daniel Epstein
December 13th, 2010, 08:10 AM
Marty, Not sure what is going on in your situation but the culprit is most likely the card not the camera. I have had issues crop up with CF cards which indicated some problem with the card made them unreliable even after reformatting. Good luck with the file recovery. Probably should just retire the card after that.