View Full Version : Pre Render Confusion

David Ruhland
December 11th, 2010, 02:06 PM
I am working on a video that is 15 minutes long. The first 5 minutes are several small split clips. I would like to render these all into 1 clip that will be used in the complete video. Is this where I would pre render? If so..what format do I use ? I am assuming that this is where the pre render comes in?


Don Bloom
December 11th, 2010, 03:03 PM
If they are DV clips (sd) then place a region aound those clips (highlight all and press R) go to FILE>Render As...choose AVI render to that. Replace clips on TL with rendered AVI, set to go.

I must ask though why you feel the need to replace those clips. Just curious.

David Ruhland
December 11th, 2010, 05:46 PM

For starters I am frustrated...I love to shoot video, but I have a weekness and its learning this Vegas program. I seem to slide all those lil clips to the left, to the right, etc...and then i mess up and forget one and throws the whole video out of whack!

I click auto ripple, and sometimes it moves some of the tracks sometimes all of them-"affected tracks" does that mean just the track that is highlighted?? or all of them ARRGH!

So i was just thinking it would be easier if i did a pre render off all those lil clips.

Today I have speant most the day trying to master color correction in Vegas... I have to find some tutorials on this subject too....

Im learning.... but im old, and my days could be numbered! LOL

Don Bloom
December 11th, 2010, 09:53 PM
OK first thing is TURN OFF AUTO RIPPLE. THAT will get you in trouble. ;-)

When I edit, and I cut something I am generally cutting the audio track as well. If that's the case and it's only 1 audio and 1 videotrack then Auto ripple can be fine BUT I want to control the rippple so here's a few tricks.

If you have 1 or multiple tracks and you cut thru them all, after you delete the section you want gone then double click on the EMPTY area use Control X then Control F. Clips to the right will Ripple to the left.
If you have multiple tracks but only want to cut the video track and move the clips to the left after you remove the section of video you want gone then pull the next section to the left hit Control F and the rest of the clips will follow OR right click on the first clip (event) to move then in the menu goto Select Events to End, pull to the left and you're set.
Ripple is fine but you need to be very careful with it as it CAN really screw you up. Also if I'm working with very small clips such as if I'm cutting to a fast beat, I'll expand the timeline so the clips don't look like slivers and less likely to be accidentally moved.
Vegas has it's own workflow and yeah I've been using it since version 2 was in it's infancy but I'm still always finds new ways to do something and the best part is Vegas can do most things 2 or more different ways. The more you play with it the better off you'll be. Keep playing and asking questions.

Edward Troxel
December 12th, 2010, 07:41 AM
I am working on a video that is 15 minutes long. The first 5 minutes are several small split clips. I would like to render these all into 1 clip that will be used in the complete video. Is this where I would pre render?

No. That is not a "pre-render". Instead, you would simply File - Render As and output to a new file which you would then use from that point forward. Alternately, you can always just drag that VEG file to a new project and use it without rendering. That's called a "nested VEG file". Do a search for that in the help file.

Pre-renders simply let you render something out so you can preview it at full framerate. However, they're not "sticky" - if you make a change that affects that area, it would then become unrendered again. Alternately, you might look at the "Render to new track" option which will create a new rendered file AND automatically place it on a new track.

David Ruhland
December 12th, 2010, 08:52 AM
[QUOTE= Keep playing and asking questions.[/QUOTE] I am playing and gonna ask a question...I have 5 clips all on one time line, I want to apply the color correction/video effect to all of them at the same time...I am thinking that I have to Pre Render to do this correct, or is there a magic keystroke to apply effect to all clips at the same time?

Don Bloom
December 12th, 2010, 10:25 AM
OK I'll Play. ;-)

David forget the term "pre-render". That's best used for previewing an FX filled clip at full or near full frame rate. You also don't need to "render" the clips out but you could. To CC those clips at one time there are a couple of things you can do.
1) Place the clips you want to CC on a seperate track from the other clips in the project, apply the CC at the TRACK LEVEL and you're done.
2) You can apply the CC to 1 of the clips and then copy and paste the event attributes to the other clips HOWEVER anything else done to that clips will also apply to the other clips.
3) You can apply the CC to the clips in the MEDIA POOL HOWEVER any thing further down the TL that you DON'T want CC'd that's a part of that clip in the Media Pool will also be corrected.

My recommendation is to apply the Color Correction at the TRACK LEVEL with the clips that get the SAME CC on that track.