View Full Version : Problem Report

John Lorince
December 11th, 2010, 12:22 PM
I am getting a crash report in vegas pro 10 on a file I created yesterday. Mind you yesterday the file played fine. It is about 3.5 minutes in length. It has .mov files in it created in after effects that are 16 bit files and they did play yesterday with no problems. But this is the only thing that differentiates this .veg from another .veg I have, is that this is 16 bit out of the AE. I mean my 64 bit vegas should be able to work with this no? I am considering a restore point in windows to yesterday when things worked. What to do?

And yes Sony is closed on Saturday for support....Mr. Troxel?

Thank You,

John Lorince

PS. The AE files looked way niceer at 16 bit instead of that is why I upped it. I have a 64 bit OS.

Edward Troxel
December 12th, 2010, 07:49 AM
First of all, bit depth of the video clip has nothing to do with bit depth of the OS. So that should not be a factor. I would try moving the video clips somewhere else, open the project ignoring the missing media, and then start adding them back one at a time and see what happens.

John Lorince
December 12th, 2010, 01:49 PM
Thank you for your response !

I had tried what you suggested and still get the Vegas Stopped Working Window...I have never seen this look before, it must be new in version 10. I really want to work on this file, I may try re naming the file to something else. I have already reopened the .veg into another instance of Vegas , but I would like to open the original veg for there is work that I would like to do to this file yet. We shall see, I have some faith.

Thanks Again,

John Lorince