Scott Larson
December 11th, 2010, 06:26 AM
Ive got a file that came off an XDCAM EX and it wont open, I get a warning that says "the file is not a movie file". Ive tried Quicktime 7 and 10, VLC, XDCAM transfer and nothing will open it. Its quite a good clip I need for a documentary and I would really like to get it open. The card has been erased and the file cant be recovered. Any ideas?
Scott Larson
Cameraman/Tokyo, Japan
Russell Heaton
December 11th, 2010, 06:58 AM
Hello Scott,
I'm only new at this but I have already learnt to store a copy of my BPAV folders before I format or delete files on my camera memory....even if I've exported them to a .mxf for my NLE of choice. Ya just never know when you might have to go back. As far as your problem goes....
What is the present form of the "file"? The reason I ask is that straight out of the BPAV folder clips are really made up of five files with the extensions .mp4 .smi .ppn .xml and .bim. You need the clip browser to wrap these into a usable format. You say Clip browser didn't work, so one would have to suspect that the clip has been exported, but in which format?
After using the clip browser the file could be wrapped in an .mxf file wrapper, RAW, AVI, AAF, WMF, AVC etc etc. So the current "state" of the file will determine how it needs to be opened and your post is lacking the information required for the brains trust at the forum to assist you.
Perhaps you could reply with a few more details? Good luck with your problem.
Bob Jackson
December 11th, 2010, 05:08 PM
try these guys:
Aero Quartet: Video gets Personal on your Mac (
Worked reasonably well for me.
I accidentally formatted my s x s card and I was able to recover 75% of the files.
It is a time limited (2 weeks) software that does cost money to use once.
Craig Seeman
December 12th, 2010, 12:22 PM
Rule #1
Copy from cards using ClipBrowser with CRC ON.
Alastair Traill
December 12th, 2010, 04:20 PM
Hi Scott and Craig,
I do not know the answer to Scott’s issue but as I have a old file with a similar problem I will follow the thread with interest.
However Craig’s response that you should always use Clip Browser with CRC on is also of interest as I now have a nanoFlash. As I am a Mac user I set the nF to .MOV and you cannot use Clip Browser with .MOV. I also have a Nexto, actually thanks to a promotional offer I have 2 Nextos. Nextos give you choices such as "copy and verify" that I assume is much the same as CRC on. This means I can get the files from my CF card to a Nexto safely but the next problem is to get the files to a computer or hard drive for storage. I am assuming that if the images look OK after transfer from the Nexto that the files are OK. Is this a safe assumption?
My Nexto (500GB) gives me a bit of breathing space so that I can format and reuse my CF card with the assurance that my files have got at least one step down the track.