View Full Version : sharing an fcp-project over email

Jeroen Wolf
December 10th, 2010, 09:45 AM
My partner and I shoot together. After the shoot, we transfer the EX-video on the SDHC-card to her Macbook Pro via Clip Browser. She imports the footage via xdcam transfer, does a rough cut and sends the fcp-project to me via email.

I open up the project on my Mac Pro and have to reconnect every clip manually. Why? I guess because FCP is looking for the disk and folder the material was originally captured to.

I understand that. But why do I get a warning message that the material on my computer has 'different properties' than the orginal footage? I just click 'proceed anyway' and all is well. Is it because she is working on FCP6 and I have FCP7? (she will be moving to FCP7 soon)

Is there a way so that I don't have to manually link every clip?

William Hohauser
December 10th, 2010, 01:58 PM
You would have to duplicate the directory structure exactly up to the place your project file is stored in. If everything, video files, project file and all extras are stored in a folder together you can copy the folder anywhere and the links will remain intact. See if you can set up something like that.

Robert Turchick
December 10th, 2010, 03:44 PM
Shouldn't have to link every clip. As long as the files are in the same folder, should be able to point to one file and it should link the rest automatically. I have two other shooter/editors that I do this with all the time.
Highly recommend being on the same version though.

Nigel Barker
December 11th, 2010, 01:02 AM
Media Manager is the simple way to export all the files associated with a project & make sure that they really are all present in the same folder.

Shaun Roemich
December 11th, 2010, 01:25 AM
Shouldn't have to link every clip. As long as the files are in the same folder, should be able to point to one file and it should link the rest automatically.

Look for a check box in the Relink dialog box that says something like "Relink all media in relative path" or something like that... I don't have my edit Mac in front of me right now...

I BELIEVE it defaults to Off...

Les Wilson
December 11th, 2010, 05:36 AM
Attached is the dialog box Shaun is referring to from page 81 of the FCP 6 manual. Note the checkbox at the bottom "Reconnect all files in relative path"

Explanation on the next page:
Reconnect All Files in Relative Path: Select this checkbox if you want Final Cut Pro to automatically reconnect all remaining clips whose media files are located in this folder. When you are reconnecting a lot of clips, this can speed up the reconnection process considerably.

Shaun Roemich
December 11th, 2010, 02:42 PM
Thanks Les.