View Full Version : Help with skin tones + hm700 + green screen

Brandon Vincent
December 9th, 2010, 02:35 PM
Hey everyone. I've been having a real tough time trying to get my skin tones to look correct with the HM700 when shooting on a green screen. Here's what I'm using for a setup:

JVC HM700 w/ Fujinon 17x lens
2 KinoFlo Diva's with indoor bulbs
2 4 ft' Kino's with indoor bulbs
1 150w Fresnel
Green screen background

Whenever I balance the camera, it always sets to 3200K. On the LCD it looks relatively close, but every single time I bring it into FCP, the skin tones are shifted towards red. My monitor is properly calibrated, and the evidence is in the vectorscope which I've attached a screenshot of.

What should I adjust to correct this problem?

Scott Berrington
December 9th, 2010, 02:49 PM
Check your White Balance settings in Camera Process Menu. The "White Paint R" setting to be specific. It's explainded on page 79 of the manual.

Brandon Vincent
December 9th, 2010, 03:03 PM
Is that just going to remove an amount of red from everything? My whites look all right but my skin tones are just crazy red. I'll try it and test it out, though. Hopefully this does it because I don't have a test pattern chart to use and I'd hate to have to dive into the color matrix settings...