View Full Version : 1.333 and 1.000 HDV!?

Gregory Stevens
December 7th, 2010, 06:38 PM
I'm so stuck right now.

I shot my footage on my Canon XHA1 in 60i HDV mode. I used HDV Split to capture this footage which made all my files .m2t. I edited my footage and everything is groovy up until this part.


I am trying to export my video to be uploaded on facebook or youtube. However, when I export a 1.333 dimension video and upload it to one of these sites it squishes everything together and forces it to 4x3 ratio (THIS ALSO HAPPENS WHEN I TRY TO BURN A DVD!). What am I doing wrong? I really don't understand why the video wouldn't upload as 16:9 HDV when I exported it that way (and also checked the project settings)

Someone out there, please help! If you need any more information - ask. I'll be refreshing the page like mad.

Seth Bloombaum
December 7th, 2010, 07:13 PM
There are two aspect ratios at play in hdv - Picture Aspect Ratio (normally just called Aspect Ratio, or perhaps Screen Aspect Ratio) and Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR).

Youtube can be very unfriendly to non-square pixels. I highly recommend you render to 720p, that is, 1280x720 with a PAR of 1.0 (square pixels). IMHO that's the current sweet spot for HD on YouTube.