View Full Version : Credit roll with vms 10hd platinum
Roy Alexander December 7th, 2010, 04:48 PM I am trying to make my first rolling credit on this programme and have been succesful in completing the operation except for one thing, I can't stop the text rolling until it dissappears at the top of the screen. I want to leave the last lines of the text on the screen for a few seconds. Can this be done? I can't find any instructions on how to do this either on the tutorials I have or the help that is with the programme.
David Haskell December 7th, 2010, 05:18 PM edit: nvm won't work since there is no velocity envelope in VMS
Craig Longman December 7th, 2010, 08:52 PM The Velocity Envelope sounds like a great way in Vegas Pro, but alas, it's not available in VMS. =)
The only thing I can think to do, is switch to a new credit roll, and set it to a timed sequence. Scroll the second to last thing you want scrolling, and have it the last of that credit roll. Then the last bit be in a new credit roll, but set to timed sequence, and only that one header in there. If you choose slow enter from bottom, you might be able to match it up with the main credit roll in speed, if it were on a track below, then you could possibly have it pretty seamlessly scroll up and then stop. I'm not sure if the speeds match or not, but if it doesn't, you could always just have the last one fade in and stick.
Hope this helps,
Roy Alexander December 8th, 2010, 03:11 AM Thanks for the info. I had suspected the worst. It looks as if I will have to make the credit roll using Adobe premiere pro 2 and then transfer it to VMS. Actually I have found a way of doing what I want using VMS but it only works if I don't use the credit over a video image. On a blank background it works well Unfortunately I want to use the credit over a video still frame, but I might change my mind for convenience sake.
Mike Kujbida December 8th, 2010, 08:03 AM Roy, there's no need to use Premiere Pro to do this.
I use Vegas Pro but the following technique can be done in VMS without a Velocity envelope and here's how.
Use the Default text Media Generator (it has an alpha channel so the text will show up over top of video), not the credit roll one.
Make sure that this goes on a track on top of your video event.
This is preferable as you can add a drop shadow and change various other attributes, sometimes on a line by line basis.
Enter in all the text as desired.
Don't worry about it going off the bottom as we'll deal with that in a moment.
Set the desired length in the very first tab.
In this example, I'll use 20 seconds.
Make sure to set the length to 25 seconds for reasons that will become apparent shortly.
Once all the text is entered, switch to the Placement tab.
Enter a (positive) value in the X box so that the text just disappears off the bottom of the screen.
This assumes that you want it to do a slow reveal going up.
Go to the 20 second mark on the timeline and create a keyframe there.
Right-click it and select "Hold".
In the Y box, enter a new (negative) value so that the text is now in the centre of the screen.
Exit Generated Media, stretch the event to 25 seconds and play it to see if it's to your satisfaction.
If not, adjust accordingly.
The reason for the "Hold" keyframe and the extra 5 seconds is to allow you to have the text remaining on the screen once the roll is done.
Feel free to extend this length as desired.
Note that you can't stretch the event out past this point as the roll will start to repeat itself.
Please let me know if any of this doesn't make sense to you.
Roy Alexander December 8th, 2010, 08:34 AM Thanks Mike. I will certainly give your method a try. As all these names etc are completely new to me, it will probally take some time for me to digest the procedure. I will let you know how I get on. Thanks again
Mike Kujbida December 8th, 2010, 09:17 AM Roy, hopefully the attached images will help.
Roy Alexander December 8th, 2010, 02:41 PM Mike. Thank you very much for your help and your information has worked wonders. My credit title has worked beautifully. Just one more problem, can I justify the text as I would in Windows publication?
One other little matter. Although I checked the box for instant notification of answers, no such notification has been received. Who should I contact regarding this? Thanks again for your help and no doubt I will be asking for help again as I get more advanced with VMS.
Edward Troxel December 8th, 2010, 03:30 PM My credit title has worked beautifully. Just one more problem, can I justify the text as I would in Windows publication?
You're limited by whatever you can do using the tools in the generated media. You have basically left/right/center controls.
One other little matter. Although I checked the box for instant notification of answers, no such notification has been received. Who should I contact regarding this?
You could try here:
Craig Longman December 8th, 2010, 07:39 PM With all due respect, this seems quite complicated for a simple credit to come up and stop in the middle. As I suspected, the scroll speeds for "Scrolling Credits" with "Up (Forward)" is the same speed as "Timed Sequence" with In set to "Slow Enter from Bottom". So, on two tracks at the top of everything, you could simply put in all your main credits on the top one, then put the one that should sit (and only that one section that needs to sit) on the lower one, and then it scrolls in indistinguishable from the scrolling ones and sits in the middle for as long as the lower credit event is set to run for.
To show the lower layers through the background, it's as simple as going to the "Styles" tab, click on the "Background color" drop down, and then drag the slider on the top-left control down to the bottom, that's 100% transparent.
Nice and quick. Attached is the .vf file, being all generated media, it should (I hope?) be easily transferrable. Zipped up as I wasn't allowed to upload a .vf file...
IDK, seemed to work well and was very easy.
Another option at least,
Roy Alexander December 9th, 2010, 04:26 AM Hi GraigL. Your method of making the credit roll is equally effective but I don't follow how to do it. I would be grateful if you could instruct me step by step how to acheive the result. I am mostly unsure about making two tracks. Do I use the Credit generator twice. I am a bit confused. A beginning to end tutorial would be most appreciated. Roy
Mike Kujbida December 9th, 2010, 08:11 AM With all due respect, this seems quite complicated for a simple credit to come up and stop in the middle.
Craig, you are correct in that it is more complicated but I prefer doing it my way as I have a lot more control over the various text parameters than I do with the Rolling credits option.
Having said that, you taught me options that I had no idea even existed.
As I said, I don't use the Rolling Credits option so I had never bothered to see what it was capable of.
Thanks very much for the lesson :-)
Like a lot of other users, I wish that Sony would give us a real text generator.
Even Pro Titler is, IMHO, a joke.
When you've used real ones like Inscriber, you realize just how many features are lacking.
Craig Longman December 9th, 2010, 09:52 AM Roy, did the .vf file not work for you? You should, I think, be able to just download it, unzip it and open it right up...
Adding a new video track is done by right clicking on the track list (on the left of the main timeline, where you see the names of them) and select Insert Video Track, or something like that.
I'm not at home, but if the .vf file doesn't work, I'll try and post something a little more explanatory when I get back to a machine with Vegas.
Bruce Phung December 9th, 2010, 11:53 AM you have to unzip it, meaning you have to use any zip program to extract the file before you can use it.
Mike Kujbida December 9th, 2010, 12:17 PM 7-Zip ( is a free utility that I've been using for a long time now to unzip zipped files.
Bruce Phung December 9th, 2010, 12:33 PM A+ same here
Edward Troxel December 9th, 2010, 02:30 PM Gee... I just use "Windows" to open Zip files... They open just like a folder.
Craig Longman December 9th, 2010, 03:26 PM Personally, I use PeaZip, I found it significantly faster at opening (curiously enough) even .7z files...
But, Roy, as Edward points out, you should just be able to double click on the .zip file and a new file explorer window will open up. Drag the .vf file somewhere convenient, then open that up in Vegas.
Roy Alexander December 9th, 2010, 03:52 PM SORRY AGAIN. The zip file does not appear anywhere. When I click onto the file shown in Craig's posting the download panel appears and I do everything it says and when it tries to open in VMS9 a message says error and unsupported format. I have windows XP Pro. I should tell you that in all my years of computing I have never received a Zip file and so have never opened one so I could be doing something wrong.
According to internet information about Windows XP and zip files, I says I should double click onto an icon showing a closed zip on a yellow background, but as I have said this icon is nowhere to be seen.
Roy Alexander December 9th, 2010, 04:06 PM Gentlemen all. I have found the zip icon but when I double click on it as instructed, the wizard does not appear so I can not extract any files. It just tries to open in VMS 9 as I explained in my last post.
Mike Kujbida December 9th, 2010, 04:19 PM If the .vf file is on your desktop as well as the icon for VMS10, drag and drop the .vf file on top of your VMS10 icon.
Roy Alexander December 9th, 2010, 04:46 PM Mike. I have just dropped the Zip Icon onto the VMS 10 icon. This time a message says there is an error and the file is probally corrupted or an unknown format. Roy
Gustavs Repse December 9th, 2010, 04:54 PM Cant rly contribute to the thread sorry.
But i have to get one question solved.
Is it a problem if i do change Vegas properties to the whole project many times during the edit. I mean, if i had it to 1920/1080 at begining and latter on in the project decided to change project settings to 1280/720 then edit some more and later change it back to the 1920/1080( i change them to do many different test renders) can it do any harm to my footage? Resize it in any way what not.
Craig Longman December 9th, 2010, 06:09 PM Everything you do in Vegas is non-destructive; in other words, it doesn't change anything in the source files.
You can change whatever you want as many times as you want, and the source files are completely unaffected.
However, this sort of thing is really more appropriate in a new thread. Dumping a completely unrelated Q into a thread rarely produces any constructive result.
Mike Kujbida December 9th, 2010, 06:58 PM Mike. I have just dropped the Zip Icon onto the VMS 10 icon. This time a message says there is an error and the file is probally corrupted or an unknown format. Roy
It has to be unzipped first and then dropped onto the VMS icon.
In theory, all you have to do is double-click the file.
Once you do that, a new folder opens up and inside of it is credit-roll.vf
This is the file that you drop on the VMS icon.
Gustavs Repse December 10th, 2010, 03:12 AM Everything you do in Vegas is non-destructive; in other words, it doesn't change anything in the source files.
You can change whatever you want as many times as you want, and the source files are completely unaffected.
However, this sort of thing is really more appropriate in a new thread. Dumping a completely unrelated Q into a thread rarely produces any constructive result.
Thank you.
Yes, ur kinda right. But i'd feel guilty to make a new thread for such a simple question where there is no discusion reuired. Waste of space it seems.
Roy Alexander December 10th, 2010, 04:04 AM I have to give up on un zipping the file. Nothing works for me, on my last attempt the wizard appeared and I clicked on extract all files, the following message said it had done that, but the result was still the same message that an error had occured and the file was probbally corrupted. My friend also had the same result. so I give up, regrettably. Roy
Edward Troxel December 10th, 2010, 07:56 AM Is it a problem if i do change Vegas properties to the whole project many times during the edit. I mean, if i had it to 1920/1080 at begining and latter on in the project decided to change project settings to 1280/720 then edit some more and later change it back to the 1920/1080( i change them to do many different test renders) can it do any harm to my footage? Resize it in any way what not.
It's not necessarily a problem but any new text WILL be added at the current resolution and, if you change resolutions, the text may no longer be positioned/sized as they were previously. And if you add titles while set to many different resolutions, multiple titles will be set differently. I always set my properties to the target resolution and then add all my titles at that setting.
Gustavs Repse December 10th, 2010, 01:41 PM Wot, now il know :)
Craig Longman December 11th, 2010, 01:34 AM Roy, I wonder if the versions are mis-matched. In one post you refer to having VMS v10, but then in another VMS v9?
This .vf file is from in VMS v10 format. It probably won't be openable at all in v9.
I'll work on something this weekend to show you what I meant, but for now, hopefully MIke's post will get you doing what you need to.
Roy Alexander December 11th, 2010, 03:33 AM Craig, I have both 9 and 10 versions of VMS and I do not choose which version to open the file in. When I click onto credit roll it automatically tries to open on version 9. I left version 9 on the PC after buying version 10 because a Sony training officer told me it would do no harm. Do you think I should remove version 9. Roy
Edward Troxel December 11th, 2010, 08:41 AM Roy, it does no harm to leave both on your machine. You do NOT need to remove it. However, if you're trying to use VMS 9 to open a .vf file that was created in VMS 10, that will NOT work. Instead, manually open VMS 10 and then try opening that .vf file.
10 will open files created in 9. 9 will NOT open files created in 10.
Roy Alexander December 12th, 2010, 05:47 AM Mike. Sorry to bother you asgain but I am having fustrating problems with the scrolling and stopping procedure you kindly sent me. It seems to have a mind of it's own and different results come up at different times. I do a test run without placing new text and it works. Next time I do it for real andfill the frame with many lines of text and then go to placement and the trouble starts, The text scrolls down instead of up, other times it doesn't scroll at all but shows all the text from start to end. other times it doesn't show the text at all. The one time I got it right with correct colour and size text and the screen full of many lines of text and stopping scrolling at the right place, the resultant scroll was extrememly jerky and could't be used. Would you be so kind as send me a step by step in chronicle order how to apply your method in case I've missed something srting with (1) do this (2) do that and so on. What should the positive number in X box be and the negative number in the Y box be. Do you have to place + and - signs in the boxes. Do you have to create a first keyframe at the beginning of the scroll on top of the one automatically already there. I hope you can find the time to oblige. If you wish you can send me attachments by E-mail to:- Thanks Roy
Edward Troxel December 12th, 2010, 07:17 AM Roy, sounds like you're getting your keyframes out of order. Make sure where the cursor is pointing on the timeline before setting the new position. You should only need a couple of keyframes - one at the very beginning with the text set to the beginning location and one at the very end with the text set to the ending location.
Roy Alexander December 13th, 2010, 03:43 AM Craig. I have finally managed to open the zip file and it shows the result of your method with two credits, one on top track and one next track down. But it doesn't tell me how to do it. Is the second credit on the bottom track a none scrolling track. As I said in the beginning of this thread, I have devised a very simple way of getting the same result but the scrolling part shows the credit over an imasge whereas the still part doesn't.. I would be obliged if you can give me step by step instructions how to do your version. Thanks Roy
Craig Longman December 14th, 2010, 11:47 AM Roy, I spent some time trying to put together a little demo for you, but I'm afraid I have to retract my suggestion as a viable one.
Dropping the basic generators on two tracks seems to work fine, but as soon as the lengths (time or text) changes, things get messy trying to match up the scrolling speeds again. And with the lower track (the one that is supposed to come in and stop in the middle) the only way to control the scrolling speed is actually by changing the length of the FX; it seems to take about 1/2 of the FX time to scroll it up. But unfortunately, that completely limits the amount of time the text can be up; only the same amount of time it took to scroll up.
It's very unfortunate... if only one could set the scrolling rate to remain constant, it would work. Very frustrating.
Anyway. so I think Mike's suggestion is gonna be far more likely to work for you.
Now, for your Q. Changing the background to transparent is accomplished by going to the Styles tab, and right near the bottom (you may have to scroll that property window down a bit, depending on how big your FX area is) there is a little swatch and a drop-down arrow for Background Colour. When you drop that down, the slider on the top left of the little control specifies the alpha value. It is currently at the top, indicating no alpha, and seeing as the colour chosen is black, that means solid black. Dragging that slider down to the bottom will produce a completely transparent background, regardless (of course) of the colour selected.
Hope that helps, and sorry for perhaps confusing the issue with this multiple rolling credits, it really seemed like a fairly simple approach, but as is so often the case, the devil is in the details.
Roy Alexander December 14th, 2010, 05:52 PM Hi Craig. It's a shame your method is not working as you expected. Thank you however for the time you have put in trying to help me. It looks as if I shall have to use the method I devised myself, but as the part that won't show over an image is in fact a still frame, I can't see anyway to change it. But as I have said it works perfectly over a solid colour background. It scrolls up perfectly and stops exactly where I want it. The other problem is that the scrolling is a bit jerky. Thanks again for your effort, Roy