View Full Version : Thin White line on display.....

Christos Houliara
December 7th, 2010, 03:42 PM
Hey...well maybe that's something new to all of us (7D owners)....i haven't so much problems so far...besides some normal ones (overheating one or two times)...but some days ago...a white thin line appears almost at the bottom of the LCD screen from right till the middle of the first i was very worried because of the footage that i had already shot.....i check the monitor and there is again the white line......and then i immediately check the footage.....which looks o.k..nothing wrong is i supposed that has something to do with the LCD screen....anyway...did anyone experienced something like that....

Norman Pogson
December 7th, 2010, 07:30 PM
The only white line I have is the buffer over run on the right side of the LCD see page 158 of the 7D instruction manual.

Christos Houliara
December 8th, 2010, 01:47 AM
Thank you but not that...i mean that i know that...but this is something completely different....i will upload some photos......thank you anyway......