View Full Version : AE cs5 render error, but not in cs3

Justin Lovell
December 6th, 2010, 04:47 PM
I have some si2k clips that keep crashing on render (baking in a look, and converting the 2k to 1920x1080). It renders 2 frames then gives an error, saying it cant access the file. The file created is 0kb.

- I do not get this crash on all clips, just some of them.
- I do not get this error when i render in cs3.
- (I attempted to just resize and bake in look in HD link- as it seems to render faster, though i can't merge clips together like in AE's timeline)..... HD link freezes on these files when it gets to 100%.

Is this something you are aware of or is there a fix for it?

David Newman
December 6th, 2010, 05:15 PM
Never heard of any of this, so people work with support and upload samples.