View Full Version : Dual Eyes vs. Plural Eyes + Excalibur

Steven Reid
December 6th, 2010, 11:56 AM
Since I edit on Vegas, this seems to the most relevant sub-forum, though it could go elsewhere.

I've migrated to dual audio, I have just 1 camera, and I'm looking at Singular Software's Dual Eyes and Plural Eyes to sync my high quality audio with the video/scratch audio. Both products are the same price, the former for syncing dual audio only, the latter "big brother" for syncing multi-cam and audio.

Would it not make sense to get Plural Eyes and use a scripting engine -- I have Excalibur -- to automatically generate video clips on a timeline with their respective replaced audio from my separate audio system? It seems that this is what Dual Eyes does. In this way, I would have the option for multi-cam syncs, should that become a part of my workflow.


Bruce Sharpe
December 6th, 2010, 12:10 PM
There is a free third-party plug-in called DAWF that does this. After you have synced with PluralEyes, you run DAWF. It trims the synced audio to fit the video clips and links it to the video.

Dawf: Dual Audio Workflow (

Singular Software Inc.

Steven Reid
December 6th, 2010, 12:42 PM
There is a free third-party plug-in called DAWF that does this. After you have synced with PluralEyes, you run DAWF. It trims the synced audio to fit the video clips and links it to the video.

Dawf: Dual Audio Workflow (

Singular Software Inc.

That was a fast response, Bruce. Thanks! DAWF looks like the ticket.

My only concern is that the synced A/V via this method would exist only on a timeline, not as saved discrete video files with their accompanying audio, like Dual Eyes generates (and I'm not going to copy and paste events from one instance of Vegas to my master project). However, I think I can use Excalibur (since I already have it) to automatically render each synced clip, perhaps with additional processing as this stage (e.g., noise reduction) so as to generate a folder containing respective synced video with its audio, ready to import into my master project.

Now I'm just rambling. What I needed was something like DAWF. Thanks again.
