View Full Version : GL2 Audio Problem

Bobby Bowers
August 4th, 2005, 11:30 PM
Ok here's my problem! I just got a brand new GL2 last week, I was previously using GL1. I took it out of the box, and was ready to rock I went and did the job a two day shoot I got home, and was prepared to start capturing video hooked the cam up, I'm using Vegas 6 I went to capture video, and could only see the video I got no audio so, I unplugged the firewire left the cam on VCR, and hit play I can see the video, and hear it. I then hooked up the GL1 went to capture I can see the video, and hear it I unplugged the GL1, and hooked up a VX2000 I can see the video, and hear it so I'm stumped. I did what I thought would be the next best move I called Canon, alot of good that did me! No answers. I now have the GL2 back in the box, and am getting ready to send it back, but I'm not a 100% sure if there is something wrong with it. Somebody please help me! I am in GL confusion...

Thank You,
Bob Bowers...

Valery Karyakin
August 9th, 2005, 12:01 PM
Hi Bob,

I have no problem with audio on my XM2. Did you try capturing the footage from the GL2 tape from VX1000? Check your settings again please...
