View Full Version : Stutter on PS3 Playback

Jim Schuchmann
December 4th, 2010, 10:57 AM
Sorry if this has already been covered, but I couldn't find it.

I supplied my customer with a Blu-ray BD-R of their video. It was made with V10/DVDA5.2
Encripted to Sony AVC Blu-ray 1440x1080 60i 15Mbps UFF par 1.333
They are using a 2007 PS3 for playback and reporting stuttered playback on scenes which contain mostly movement. More stationary shots are fine, no stutter.
I also supplied them with DVD 720x480 versions of the video which plays back fine.
I am going to ask them to try playback on a newer Blu-ray player and let me know the outcome.
Is this typical of PS3 playback?
Any ideas on what they or I can change to make it better for them or is it just time for them to upgrade their machine?

Adam Stanislav
December 4th, 2010, 11:28 AM
Encripted to Sony AVC Blu-ray 1440x1080 60i

60i is not a valid format for BD. It should be 59.94i (or more precisely 60/1.001).

Jim Schuchmann
December 4th, 2010, 11:46 AM
"Sony AVC Blu-ray 1440x1080 60i 15Mbps" is the name of the default template that is loaded in V10 under Sony AVC.
Framerate is 29.97.

Adam Stanislav
December 4th, 2010, 04:45 PM
Then I don't know what to say to you. Maybe someone else can suggest something.

Randall Leong
December 4th, 2010, 09:18 PM

Another thing to check, in your case, is the quality of the BD-R (or BD-RW) media that you used for the troublesome burns. Which brand of media did you use? And what speed did you use to write on those discs?

Jeff Harper
December 4th, 2010, 11:23 PM
PS3 generally has excellent playback quality, better than comparable Bluray players. It has wonderful upscaling as well. As folks have said, it is most likely to be an issue with the disc/your encoding, etc. but unlikely an issue with the player.

Actually, if the player is from 2007 it is likely a PS2, but that is unimportant...still a great player.

Jim Schuchmann
December 5th, 2010, 08:31 AM
BD-R media was Verbatim. Write speed was 4x. This is the first customer out of 24 that has said anything about a playback issue. I've asked for them to try another player to see if the problem is consistent.
I had read elsewhere online that 06-08 PS machine could have an issue with playback due to settings that could be adjusted on the PS that would optimize gaming, but not be good for video. Since I do not own a PS, I thought maybe someone here would and might have a quick answer. Thanks for the responses. I'll keep investigating and let you know the results.

Jeff Harper
December 5th, 2010, 10:48 AM
Sounds like it is the player. It would've been helpful if you had metioned in the beginning that those settings were tried and true, that you have used them extensively in the past.

It is clear you have either a bad disd or the player is the culprit. Or your burner is on the fritz suddenly.

It might also be that your setttings are not the most compatible but that they work with most but not all players. For example, when I started using progressive settings for DVDA menu movies it ended my customers having issues with my discs.