View Full Version : Help! FCP 5.02 Problem

Jim Wicks
August 4th, 2005, 07:03 PM
I was trying to help out a friend today, and came across a problem that has me stumped.
Can you help?

She is running a G5 2.5, Tiger, 4 Gigs of Ram, 30 Cinema Display, FC Studio v 5.02, Panasonic AG-DVX100A.

I plugged the camera in via firewire through the port on the front of the G5 and double clicked FCP 5.
A pop up screen says, "Unable to locate the following devices. Apple FireWire NTSC (720 x 480)."
She can control the camera from the log and capture window within FCP 5, but cannot see any video.
I thought it might be the port, but the problem persists no matter where I plug the camera in.

As I had my G4 PowerBook 1.67 Ghz, Tiger, 2 Gigs of Ram, FC Studio (FCP v 5.02) with me, I plugged her camera in and it was recognized immediately without any problems.

I thoroughly checked her program against mine and found all the settings were identical, with the exception of one thing. That one thing is recognition of the External A/V device.

Have any of you ever experienced a similar problem?
If so, can you please pass along the solution so that I can help a friend out.

Thank you so much.

Boyd Ostroff
August 4th, 2005, 07:41 PM
Does this link from Apple's FCP support forum help?

Jim Wicks
August 5th, 2005, 04:02 AM
Thanks Boyd,
That is a very interesting suggestion.
I'll give it a shot and post the results in an update.

It's weird, though. The problem isn't universal. I mean it happens on my friend's computer, but not mine. Both computers are near identical, running exactly the same OS X, FCP v 5.0.2, etc.

If QT is indeed the problem, then I agree with the writer on the thread: "Apple dropped the ball on this one."