View Full Version : Sony F3 + nanoFlash used in Coke Commerical

Dan Keaton
November 30th, 2010, 10:02 AM
Dear Friends,

This past weekend Nigel Akam, DP, was the first person in Canada to test the new Sony F3.

He shot all weekend and recorded to the camera and the nanoFlash.

He reported that “Everything worked great.”

Sony let him keep the camera to shoot a few shots for a Coke commercial. He recorded to the nanoFlash and those are the files they are using to cut the commercial.

Nigel feels that it might be the first commercial project to shoot on the F3.

No footage will be available until the commercial airs.

Photo Courtesy of Nigel Akam, DP

John Richard
December 1st, 2010, 08:04 AM
Also notice an early release of the SmallHD DP6 hi-def monitor apparently used by the focus-puller being fed by the HD-SDI signal pass thru from the NanoFlash. Good combo with the Nano.

Tim Polster
December 1st, 2010, 09:41 AM
Pretty cool although it looks a bit like a science project!

I bet the footage has great image quality.

I believe Sony will really hit the mark with this camera for projects that "used to be" higher end budgets. Due to costs, the market will accept that the F3 will be good enough for a lot of work.

Dan Keaton
December 1st, 2010, 10:10 AM
Dear Tim,

The sensor on this camera is outstanding.

And I do not mind at all that an external recorder is very desirable for this camera.

Bill Ward
December 1st, 2010, 04:54 PM
What a rat's nest of cables, though. That's a pulled out connector waiting to happen.

Adam Stanislav
December 4th, 2010, 11:38 AM
He talks about it at YouTube - DOP Nigel Akam uses the new Sony PMW-F3 with the nanoFlash (

Bill Ward
December 5th, 2010, 11:33 AM
Well, it was a nice commercial for Sony and the Nanoflash...but not much useful information there.

Does poorly lit and shot video with odd jump cuts bother a professional cinematographer when he sees himself on YouTube?

Still...great that the Nano is getting more and more market penetration!

Nigel Akam
December 7th, 2010, 08:31 AM
Well, it was a nice commercial for Sony and the Nanoflash...but not much useful information there.

Does poorly lit and shot video with odd jump cuts bother a professional cinematographer when he sees himself on YouTube?

Still...great that the Nano is getting more and more market penetration!

Just for your information, The news story was shot by Camera Department and posted on their website, and as for the rats nest, and science project comments, your seeing cables in the bg on the floor, and we are properly cabled off the dolly with no issues. My Key grip and camera assist would take offence to your comments.

Also when your feeding multiple monitors, you have to loop them with short jumpers. That's the only way to do it. clean out from the Nano, and loop through the monitors. There is only on active HDSDI out from the camera

Bill Ward
December 7th, 2010, 02:41 PM

LOL...tell the grip and assist to take a break and go quaff a cold Labatts.

Yes, there are a lot of cables in the background, but I also see 2 if not three cables hanging down into the range of the dolly wheels. Just sayin'....

Mark Job
December 7th, 2010, 02:44 PM
Hi Nigel:
I use the Canon XL H1 with the Nano Flash's big brother - The Flash XDR, with four (4) slots instead of two. I am able to get wonderful quality with Long GOP @ 50 Mbps, and I-Frame Intra recording @ 220 & 280 Mbps using balanced analogue audio straight into the XDR (Has a really, really, good analogue to digital recording amplifier for no compromise phantom power Mic or Line level inputs). The new Sony camera looks amazing (Drool) ! We are the low end underground digital production and post house in Montreal, so we walk away from anything over $10,000.00 Canadian in price ;-). Do you have a link to the completed coke commercial inquisition yet ? I would like to see what this new Sony camera does with the Nano Flash.



Nigel Akam
December 8th, 2010, 09:31 PM

The shots in the commercial starts running I think at the end of Dec, I think nationally in Canada. I'm not allowed to release any of the shots until it airs, but its one live action shot and product shots. The Nanoflash worked perfectly, but for higher end productions its difficult because there's only one HDSDI output from the F3, so you have to adapt, so that makes it interesting.

When it airs I can upload it after Christmas

Nigel Akam
December 8th, 2010, 09:34 PM

LOL...tell the grip and assist to take a break and go quaff a cold Labatts.

Yes, there are a lot of cables in the background, but I also see 2 if not three cables hanging down into the range of the dolly wheels. Just sayin'....

Bill, What you can't see on the opposite side of the dolly is a grip arm with all the cables running away off it.:) This was one of the few shots I could show that didn't have product in it.

I think the Nanoflash will work great with the F3 and the Af100. It allows you to have that higher bit rate and I didn't even test it. Just hooked it up and started rolling. That's all the time we had.

Mark Job
December 8th, 2010, 10:19 PM

The shots in the commercial starts running I think at the end of Dec, I think nationally in Canada. I'm not allowed to release any of the shots until it airs, but its one live action shot and product shots. The Nanoflash worked perfectly, but for higher end productions its difficult because there's only one HDSDI output from the F3, so you have to adapt, so that makes it interesting.

When it airs I can upload it after ChristmasHi Nigel:
OK. Cool. I will be looking out for that Coke commercial. BTW. The Convergent Design Flash XDR has Two (2) HD-SDI outputs. Although the XDR is no longer in manufacture, If you contact Mr. Jeff Silverman here on the forum, he has a number of used and New Flash XDR's and Nano Flashes still available in stock. Perhaps the XDR with its Two (2) HD-SDI outputs and Two (2) extra CF card slots, plus Two (2) Balanced Analogue Phantom powered Mic/Line inputs would be better suited to your studio setups, while the Nano Flash could be your portable run and gun recorder ?

Dan Keaton
December 9th, 2010, 01:22 AM
Dear Nigel,

Thank you for posting.

We look forward to seeing the footage later.

Martin Hawkes
February 4th, 2011, 11:21 AM
Hi Nigel,

Would love to see some footage. Any chance of posting soon.



Charles Papert
February 4th, 2011, 03:08 PM
FYI--for all who have run out of HD-SDI spigots as noted above--the Decimator MD-RDA is a 6 output reclocking DA for HD-SDI. Box is about half the size of the nanoFlash, can be similar powered (i.e. p-tap) and costs $435. Contact me for U.S. purchase.

Ron Aerts
February 10th, 2011, 02:49 PM
I ordered the F3, this will be a great match with the NanoFlash, believe me. The new Aja was demonstrated with the F3, but is still a bit 'preliminar': you'll gain 2 bits though.
Less pollution in the dark areas makes the SxS also worth while. (Looks much better then the EX1/3, but keep in mind: EX has great pricing) Grading on the Nanofiles gives much better results I think.
As I look at 85% of the projects where the footage is edited and where it ends up, the Nano is outstanding.

Wasn't there a rumour about CD bringing out something to capture 444 Slog? I saw the Sony 1Tb raid5 memorysticks (5 Gbs transfer!) wow...
Any news Dan?