View Full Version : seeking creative advice for music vid shoot

David Herman
November 29th, 2010, 12:00 PM
Time for creatives to come out of the shadows. EX-3 user, 2 weeks away from shooting a music video - 90% solo guitarist. Shooting in beautiful 14 century church, so magnificent row of stone arches to be subtly lit in background with shadows. Want to shoot something much like Bruce Springsteen Devils and dust

Simple as it appears, it is extremely well lit and etc. Other than begging, borrowing, stealing and/or maybe even buying a dslr for the job, does anyone have suggestions how to go about shooting the hands on the guitar and managing to have shallow enough dof to pull focus from one hand to the other?
Any suggestions for picture profiles for the ex3? a lens other than stock?
Will be doing multiple takes to playback and can of course alter lighting etc.

Robert Young
November 29th, 2010, 12:16 PM
If precise manipulation of a shallow DOF is a key item for this production, it's probably going to be best accomplished with a DSLR, or a Letus type adapter on the EX and 35mm SLR lenses.

Vincent Oliver
November 30th, 2010, 07:21 AM
Use a Nikon lens with an adaptimax lens mount, this will give you a nice shallow DOF and allow you some distance on your subject.

Duncan Craig
November 30th, 2010, 12:43 PM
It's a shame you're not nearer Leeds, you could borrow my Brevis.

Thomas Gregory
November 30th, 2010, 01:23 PM
Seems to me a basic cameraman's knowledge of his/her lense. Does the EX3 lense you are using have a macro? then problem solved. If not, increase the distance from the subject, and use the zoom. The further away you are, the more depth you have with the zoom. More experience with your own rig would solve this....practice!

David Herman
November 30th, 2010, 04:37 PM
Thanks for the contributions guys. Problem with the increase distance and zoom in, is that the angles involved if trying to rack focus between two hands on a guitar would require me to dig a hole for the lower hand and climb a ladder for the upper. I think (and don't believe me if I deny the lust for more toys) to buy a canon 60D and a 50mm prime lens. Oh dear. Maybe we need a new thread for how many excuses do we need to part with cash. and thanks for the offer Duncan, but how can one borrow a Christmas present to oneself?