Rich Perry
November 27th, 2010, 03:18 PM
I am trying to output SD 16:9 NTSC proxies from 1280 x 720p - 59.54 fps source material.
When setting this up in HDLink it converts to SD 4:3 720 x 480 and does not change to an expected 16:9 aspect ratio or (720 x 406)
I have the option of setting up letter boxed but want to keep a full frame 16:9 proxy of the original.
Here is the configuration I have set for HDLink, does this look right?
Rich Perry
November 27th, 2010, 03:24 PM
Here is the config in HDLink
David Newman
November 27th, 2010, 09:20 PM
Your settings are correct, you are only assuming the output is wrong. If there is no letterboxing the 720x480 frame is to be displayed at 16x9. I use this feature a lot for 16x9 DVD creation.
Rich Perry
November 27th, 2010, 10:53 PM
Thanks David, actually the output displays only in a 4:3 frame but it should be 16:9.
the 960 output (I think 1 for 1 pixel) displays correctly in 16:9 frame.
I am looking for the bext way to output low res proxies in a 16:9 frame.
By the way, this is an excellent addition to HDlink!
David Newman
November 28th, 2010, 10:55 AM
I think you are mistaken. Load the 720x480 clips into VirtualDub and set the display ratio to 16x9, does the image look correct?
Rich Perry
November 28th, 2010, 02:32 PM
Hi David, I imported the clip into virtual dub and by default its set to a 4:3 aspect ratio, yes I can make it 16:9 by changing aspect ratio but when importing the clip to CS5 with scale to frame size enabled in a 16:9 timeline it shows as Pillar Boxed, see attached image.
Curiously, when looking at file properties in media info, the (SD NTSC 16:9) proxy shows an aspect ratio of 4x3, however the (Proxy 960 x auto - square pixel) proxy shows correctly as 16:9. To me it looks to be definitely outputting a 4x3 aspect ratio.
I have attached screen shots of the pillar box file in CS5 as well as mediainfo from both test files I created showing the difference in aspect ratios of the 2 test files.
Cheers -
David Newman
November 28th, 2010, 03:53 PM
AVIs are maybe interpreted 4x3, when they are fact 16x9 (as they are in this case), just interpret your footage as 16x9. It is working fine. I just reconfirmed myself.