View Full Version : black clips and black dotswith Vegas 9e + Neoscene

Ron German
November 26th, 2010, 10:19 AM
I`m working on a long form documentary with half the material (1920X1080 23,97p) being Neoscene (Version 160 B 140) clips and the other Sony MXF 35mb/s clips.
I`ve suffered from theese problems when editing: randomly along the time the Neoscene clips become black (in the explorer and timeline displayed in preview window) and I have to leave Vegas 9e.
When I start Vegas again the clips are there until they (randomly along the time) become black again.
Beside this, some highlight zones in some clips show black dots.
Please help me because I`ve been loosing precious time (and money) with this faults.
Best regards

David Newman
November 26th, 2010, 11:17 AM
Clips turning black is a Sony Vegas issue, not something that NeoScene can address. Vegas 10 has greatly improved this. To use Vegas 10 you will need to update to NeoScene v5.2. The black dots was also addressed in the latest NeoScene.

Ron German
November 29th, 2010, 07:06 AM
Thank you David.
But with all respect you and Cineform deserve, I can not understand (and acept) that Cineform sells a product - Neoscene - advertising it as made to work with Vegas editing software, and the company simply blame Sony to have produced the issue(s).
If Cineform can`t adress the issue with this version, it should allow a free upgrade to its customers; afterall I (and my partner) expect Cineform solves whatever problems exists regarding the product, or present a free solution, because at the time we paid for the product, we had no intention to upgrade, but use the software just for what it was advertised for and run it with no issues when editing.

David Newman
November 29th, 2010, 10:49 PM
We can't offer you an update to Vegas, but if there is a bug in NeoScene that you can present your argument to support (Support Center ( However my answer was technically correct, the black clips is not a failure of NeoScene, and NeoScene can only work as well as the NLE it runs in, and it runs in many. Black dots in the highlights I thought was introduced after your build (and then fixed,) but if you are seeing that contact support, because that we can deal with.