View Full Version : G3 Wireless mic.

Dylan Morgan
November 25th, 2010, 04:00 PM
Can anyone please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong here.. I wire the officiant with a lav mic mid jacket and have him speak the loudest he will. I set my sensitivity at that point so no clipping occurs (AF out light not showing anymore)... and then set my receiver at 0. I want to set it as sensitive as possible to pick up the bride and groom, which I know will be a little soft. I recently did all this and for some reason it's all peaked. I had a backup shotgun mic so I'm ok, but with echo from the projected speakers. There was another lav mic that the officiant brought that was being received by the DJ that couldn't get me a line out, or record it for me. I assume that I'm getting the clipping because of the voices being projected through the speakers that were in about 6 ft away in front of the officiant. I guess I should set my levels at like -12 to be safe and bring it up in post. Since I was using my H4 with the shotgun, I record directly to the timeline in Vegas off my laptop.