Graham Austin
November 25th, 2010, 05:23 AM
Hi guys
Can anyone give me any hints/ tips on reducing erroneous noise and camcorder case noise while filming with my Z1. Sometimes I have my headphones on and if I catch the case accidentally it make a sharp loud clunk on the recording.
Tom Hardwick
November 27th, 2010, 07:47 AM
Sounds like (!) you're using the Z1's in-built stereo mics Graham. If you want no clunks, use an off camera mic. If you want less clunks, use something like a Senheisser in a Softie - that isolates the mic very effectively indeed.
Graham Austin
November 27th, 2010, 04:20 PM
Thanks, Tom; that's what's confusing me. I'm using a siennheiser shotgun and a shure handheld in the two XLR ports, yet if I touch the casing I get the noise (and yes, I have the sound switched over to the external mics - and tested each mic as a matter of course before recording). Any ideas welcome...
Graham Austin
November 27th, 2010, 04:27 PM
Would the fact the Siennheiser is in the camera's external mic fixture ring be causing the problem? If so, how can I get around it in practice?
Tom Hardwick
November 28th, 2010, 07:07 AM
I'm just wondering if your XLRs are wired correctly, as my mics are silent under the same conditons.
Kevin McRoberts
November 28th, 2010, 09:19 AM
Would the fact the Siennheiser is in the camera's external mic fixture ring be causing the problem? If so, how can I get around it in practice?
Try a good external isolating mic holder, either on the shoe or on something like the J-Rod.
Graham Austin
November 28th, 2010, 09:32 AM
Thanks. When you say about the XLRs being wired correctly, do you mean internally (and problem with the camera itself) or with the way I've set them up?
Tom Hardwick
November 28th, 2010, 10:05 AM
I just mean with the wired pins inside the XLR plugs. Did you solder them up yourself?
Graham Austin
November 28th, 2010, 10:55 AM
Thanks Tom, the XLR cable and connectors are standard bought; no customising.