View Full Version : Clips v Files: importing HM100u .mov footage into Final Cut for multicam editing.

Christian Brown
November 23rd, 2010, 10:33 AM
When recording long clips to the SD cards, the JVC GY-HM100u breaks them up into chunks about 3.75GB large.

This is not a problem if you are just dragging and dropping the individual files into your timeline, but for multicam editing in FCP, you need them to be a single CLIP. When I import files from HDD and SDHC based Canon Vixias using Log-And-Transfer in FCP, the footage appears as clips, despite being broken up into separate files about 2GB large. However, Log-And-Transfer does not work period with the JVC GY-HM100u ("invalid files" message). Which brings up some questions:

a) Am I not importing the files correctly into FCP? Surely there must be a way for FCP to read the XML data that specifies which files are linked together to a single clip.
b) Is there a way in FCP to designate separate files as a single clip without actually lining them up and exporting a new file?

A colleague and I record the performing arts (concerts, operas, dances, plays, etc), where 1hr+ clips are the norm. Getting to the bottom of this is critical for our workflow.

Thank you!