View Full Version : Current Vegas and Cineform status?

Marc Salvatore
November 19th, 2010, 06:01 PM
Couple of questions concerning using Cineform with Vegas

1. I've tried using Vegas 10 with Neo HD ver. 4 and the clips no longer show up. Will Vegas 10 only work with ver. 5 of Neo HD?

2. I used to archive/trim all of my important projects using Vegas and Cineform since Vegas 7. However since the release of Vegas 9 this no longer works. Sony has acknowledged this as a bug but I've been waiting a year and a half for Sony to fix this. The Problem: (save as>copymedia with project>create trimmed copies of source media) When you try this with Cineform on the timeline there is an unspecified error everytime. What I am wondering is if you guys at Cineform can help Sony fix this or at least tell me this is not fixable so I can decide whether to switch to another editor. Archiving my projects is very important to my workflow and being able to trim them can mean the difference between 1tb and 25 gb of data. I've tried this process in Premiere and it works perfectly but I have spent so much time and money with Vegas I'd rather not switch.

Thank you, Marc

David Newman
November 19th, 2010, 06:11 PM
Vegas switched to the SDK only for CineForm in version 10, those components are not in NeoHD v4. For Vegas 10 you will need to upgrade to NeoHD v5 (there is cool stuff there.)

Vegas 10 should address the trimming issues, although haven't tested it. It is not something we could help them do as Vegas does all the file I/O, unlike in Premiere where we do all the file I/O.

Marc Salvatore
November 19th, 2010, 07:45 PM
Thanks David, I'll have to test it. Is there a way to reset my trial license? I never tested it when I was testing Neo HD 5 and I know from Sony tech support that the pre-release Vegas 10 did not solve the trim issue.

David Newman
November 19th, 2010, 09:08 PM
If you haven't tried v5 you will get 15-days automatically. Otherwise support can issue trial extensions.

Marc Salvatore
November 22nd, 2010, 01:13 PM
I just tried it with NEO HD 5 and Vegas 10a and the bug is still there. I’ve been waiting a year and half for them to fix this and Sony does not seem to care.

This is the bug if you want to test it:

1. Put a Cineform file on the Vegas Pro timeline
2. Click Save As>Copy media with project>create trimmed copies of source media

Vegas will come up with an unspecified error everytime if Cineform is on the timeline. This worked perfectly until the release of Vegas 9.