View Full Version : Sony WRT setup 794.125 - 805.875 "68" in Australia?

David Cleverly
November 18th, 2010, 01:43 AM
Hi there,

I am looking for a new set of radio mics for a Sony camera and have been offered a set of Sony wireless from a friend in Sydney at a bargain price.

The models are:

WRR-855A Slot-in tuner 68
WRT-808A Transmitter 68
WRT-820A Hand-mic transmitter 68

I think they are US models.

All are on Channel 68 and have a frequency range of 794.125 - 805.875MHz.

I am curious as to whether these would be ok to use in Australia, because all new Sony transmitters/receivers here work on the Channel 66/792-806Mhz range.

I know the set goes within the Australian range, just thought someone might be able to shed some light on it. I would save about $4000 by buying the second hand set over new. (I also understand that all of these Sony's are adjustable in 125khz steps, which could indeed mean these second hand versions will indeed tune in to the Australian versions anyway).

Thanks in advance.

Brian P. Reynolds
November 18th, 2010, 02:42 AM
Here is a link to all Australian TV transmitters, have a look at the frequencies and the locations there will at times be conflicts with the radio mics but if you were to choose another frequency you should be OK.
I have some Sennheiser G2's [786-822mhz] that have a scan function and need to use it prior to most shoots to get some usable frequencies. Does the Sony setup have a scan function?

Tony Davies-Patrick
November 18th, 2010, 05:19 AM
Yes, the Sony's have a scan function, so you should be OK, although I'd advise you to buy the 66 versions to make life a lot easier.

David Cleverly
November 18th, 2010, 05:23 AM
Thanks so much for the replies...

TOny, would you please explain why life would be "easier" with the 66's?

We are talking about $4000 difference in price here....