View Full Version : Workflow changes Cs3 CS5

John Gerard
November 16th, 2010, 07:35 PM
I have another question about workflow between CS3 to CS5. Right now I am using cs3 and this is my workflow....

Open HDV project in premiere pro CS3
edit project
Render timeline
Output project using VirtualDub frame server convert 1440x1080 to 720x480 res. Deinterlace footage
Import into Encore
Make DVD menus, Transcode and build final project.

The biggest things that take the most time are....
Rendering the timeline
Exporting the project to AVI avi file.
Transcoding the project in Encore.

Are these things speeded up in Premiere Pro CS5 over CS3 using CUDA or otherwise? Do I need to use VirtualDub to export my files, does CS5 have better exporting rendering. CS3 was not very good at this task. I am assuming VirtualDub is not CUDA enabled? Cutting down the time to do the above tasks is what will save me the most time and worth the upgrade.
I plan on getting a new CUDA enabled graphics card but keep my same dual core 3ghz CPU.
I have a program called "Media coder" that is now 64bit Cuda enabled. I use this on my Dell Zino which has the ATI graphics no CUDA to create my iPad and Youtub versions.


John Gerard

Wesley Cardone
November 17th, 2010, 09:48 AM
On CS3 I've been using After Effects to do my transcoding mainly because of the color space conversion problem in going from HDV to DV. After Effects has a queue in its transcoding engine which helps greatly. I will run off an AVI version of my timeline in PPro which goes very quickly and pile up a number of AVIs to eventual transcoding. When I am going to leave my editing and pursue other things I will load up the After Effects queue with AVIs to be transcoded and let it crank over night.

John Gerard
November 17th, 2010, 11:24 PM
It sounds like you have a fast system. Exporting using VirtualDub my system takes about 2-4 hours to export to AVI. Roughly about 10fps. I am still converting the HDV footage to 740x480.

John Gerard