Tim Durham
August 3rd, 2005, 07:42 AM
OK, so I'm trying to set time code (in 24p) to time-of-day FREE RUN but there is no "free run" choice when I'm in 24p. Only "rec-run" and "rec-run PS".
I quote from the manual p.47:
"In 60i and 30p mode you can select from record run (REC-RUN) and free run (FREE-RUN) time code. In 24p mode, you can select from record-run or record-run preset. With record-run the time code records only when you are recording. With free-run, the time code runs regardless of the operation of the camcorder. With record-run preset and free-run, you can select the starting point.."
So this would seem to suggest you cannot use free run in 24p. So no time of day. No attempting to synch two cameras.
Has anyone tried to set the user bits to time of day and atleast get close
to another cam? Does it free run? The manual is stingy with user bit info.
Is there anything that will free run with this camera in 24p?
Thanks in advance,
Chris Hurd
August 3rd, 2005, 09:00 AM
Hi Tim,
In short, Free-Run is not available in 24p mode.
Although this means that you cannot synch two cameras together in 24p, you still get identical times of day by using the system date/time options.
User bits cannot be set to a time value. User bits are primarily used as a way to identify individual tapes. You can read a little more about user bits in my article at http://www.dvinfo.net/canonxl2/articles/article11.php.
If you use the wireless remote control to set an identical rec-run preset value between both cameras and then remotely toggle recording at the same time, those cameras should remain closely in sync as long as recording is not interrupted. This method is a work-around for 24p which will get you in the ball park of having the cameras running together. The final synching up of the timelines during editing will be a lot easier this way.
Otherwise if you need to lock timecodes between two or more cameras using Free Run as I describe in my article at http://www.dvinfo.net/canonxl2/articles/article11.php, you'll be limited to the 60i and 30p frame rates -- 24p is not an option in that case. Hope this helps,
agnes marsala
August 3rd, 2005, 09:30 AM
Am I correct in assuming from your reply that it is not possible to pre-set the Tc in 60i and 30P modes?
Chris Hurd
August 3rd, 2005, 09:56 AM
Hi Agnes,
Actually yes it is possible to pre-set time code in 60i and 30p modes.
Declan Smith
August 3rd, 2005, 10:41 AM
Assuming that you set up the userbit to mark camera / tape, how is this used by capture software etc ? Indeed is it useful outside the camera ?
agnes marsala
August 3rd, 2005, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the quick response. I have an XL1 and the inability to pre-set TC was always a frustration. Now that I'm looking to upgrade to a new camera, it's good to know Canon is listening(SMPTE bars, balance audio, ect...).
Tim Durham
August 3rd, 2005, 11:54 AM
Hi Tim,
In short, Free-Run is not available in 24p mode.
Although this means that you cannot synch two cameras together in 24p, you still get identical times of day by using the system date/time options.
User bits cannot be set to a time value. User bits are primarily used as a way to identify individual tapes. You can read a little more about user bits in my article at http://www.dvinfo.net/canonxl2/articles/article11.php.
If you use the wireless remote control to set an identical rec-run preset value between both cameras and then remotely toggle recording at the same time, those cameras should remain closely in sync as long as recording is not interrupted. This method is a work-around for 24p which will get you in the ball park of having the cameras running together. The final synching up of the timelines during editing will be a lot easier this way.
Otherwise if you need to lock timecodes between two or more cameras using Free Run as I describe in my article at http://www.dvinfo.net/canonxl2/articles/article11.php, you'll be limited to the 60i and 30p frame rates -- 24p is not an option in that case. Hope this helps,
Thanks for that info. The fact that it's not what I wanted to hear...
I think I'm going to ditch the 24p in favor of 30p as the a-cam is a Pana SDX900 and the TC only needs to be ballpark accurate. No dialogue synching necessary, only action on a football field and the cams won't be shooting the same subject. Plus, the panning in 24p is problematic, etc.
The 24p just doesn't seem to be happening for me on this project, so why fight it?
Thanks again.