View Full Version : Six Feet Under Season 5 shocker!

Yi Fong Yu
August 3rd, 2005, 06:42 AM
if you have been following the latest season. you would have already known what happened to a major character! =(.

can you believe that?

Yi Fong Yu
August 22nd, 2005, 01:36 PM
i'm on ep6 or 7 on video on demand right now, it's getting awesome. although i already know what the shock is (thanks to's news reporting), it's still very good. did anyone see Part1&2 of the special on SFU? i'll catch it when i have after i finish the series once and for all for the LAST TIME! i'm so sad, this is gone.

Yi Fong Yu
August 25th, 2005, 12:11 AM
i just finished the very last episode, it was SOOoooooooooooo sad. but i loved the very end. i think it the BEST ending to a TV series i've ever, ever seen so far. those of you that have you seen it, know what i mean. it's too good =).