View Full Version : What head are you using on your slider?

Les Wilson
November 14th, 2010, 03:29 PM
I turned my Libec TH-M20 B-Cam tripod into my slider legs and head. It's nice that the M20 head's ball can be removed but the head just doesn't have enough pan drag for sliding.

So I'm in the hunt for a quality head (around $400 new or used) suitable for flat top mount and enough pan drag for sliding. The Libec H38 caught my eye but I read the ball cannot be removed.

I currently use an EX1 on the slider. Any recommendations?

Chris Soucy
November 14th, 2010, 05:35 PM
You're not limited to a flat mount head.

With one of these: Manfrotto Bowl Adapter - Other (

you can use either a 100 mm or 75 mm ball head from any manufacturer you like, tho' there is a gotcha, in that the internal thread for the head bolt is designed for a Manfrotto and MAY not be suitable for some head bolts (Vinten springs to mind).

Can't advise on the H 38 as I've never played with one, tho' there's plenty here as have.


Les Wilson
November 14th, 2010, 06:32 PM
True, but a bowl and adapter makes for a much higher COG on a slider. So if there's a better solution...

Chris Barcellos
November 14th, 2010, 08:12 PM
I am experimenting with this simple tilt head.

Manfrotto Monopod Tilt Head - Tilt Heads (

Mark Williams
November 14th, 2010, 09:36 PM
I needed a cheap solution so I use the Vanguard PH-21. Works well and has a large quick release plate. Is very sturdy. Vanguard GB (
The PH-31 is the same design but can hold a heavier load.