View Full Version : new white balance plug-in for Pro 10

Mike Kujbida
November 14th, 2010, 07:16 AM
You can find it at FBM Software (
A lot of folks like it much better than the one that comes with Vegas.
The cost is 29 Euros (he's from France) and is vaild for one computer only.
As I said in the subject line, it's for Pro 10 only as it takes advantage of the new plug-in architecture.

Edward Troxel
November 14th, 2010, 07:38 AM
There are many white balancers out there. I understand this one was written to be better than the one that is now built-in to Vegas. However, I always used the Color Corrector for this when using the built-in tools. Now I use Color Fixer Plus in NewBlue's Video Essentials. It appears this new plugin operates much like Color Fixer Plus but I like the Film Gamma control in Color Fixer Plus.

Gerald Webb
November 14th, 2010, 01:32 PM
Just on white balance,
Do you guys use the RGB parade to correct, or by eye in preference? The built in tool seems to give me varied results, and like Ed, I like the built in Col Corrector in preference.
I'm having a bit of trouble finding a workflow that hits the mark first time, every time, I end up correcting a couple of times to blend with the scenes before and after.
Is there a way to correct, where the program says,
"That is white", regardless of whether the whole scene looks to be colored correctly or not.
am I just trying to over simplify a complicated process?

Edward Troxel
November 15th, 2010, 07:43 AM
Gerald, that's what I like about Color Fixer Plus - you pick the "white" color but then you can adjust whether to totally use the revised version or a combination between the original and revised version by adjusting the "Correction" setting. But beyond that, as was indicated above sometimes some brightness must be added and that option is there. But then there is also Saturation and Film Gamma options which can really make the image pop. This shows more details:

Polish Your Shots with Color Fixer Plus - NewBlueFX (

Frederic Baumann
November 19th, 2010, 04:09 PM

Thanks Mike for mentioning this new plug-in I wrote. I would like to make an addition: following several remarks, I have changed the licensing model, so that the plug-in can now be installed on more than one machine, with the same constraint as for Vegas, which is that you are not allowed to run the same license simultaneously on several machines.

On the plug-in home page -- Welcome to FBM Software ( -- I have added a link to the blog of a vegas forum moderator, where a white balance tools comparative test has been published (and where my plug-in appears to be the best one!)

Regarding price, for those not based in Europe, 29 euros approximately corresponds to 39 US $.

Hope this helps,

Robin Davies-Rollinson
November 19th, 2010, 04:21 PM
Frederic, I liked the trial of your software so much that I actually bought a licence for it today.
I've just finished grading a documentary on a nature reserve with it and am very pleased.
Merci bien...

Frederic Baumann
November 19th, 2010, 04:25 PM
Thank you very much Robin! Can you imagine how great it is for me to read what you just wrote?

Thanks again, and enjoy the plug-in,
Frédéric :-)

Sean Seah
November 22nd, 2010, 10:14 AM
Thanks Fredric, I'll give it a go. I have loads of whitebalance issues and i use the colour wheel to do it manually. Half the time it does seem that brightness / gamma affects the image a lot.

Frederic Baumann
November 22nd, 2010, 11:41 AM
Hi Sean,

For sure brightness and gamma affect the colours a lot, I agree with you.

However, when dealing with photographies I noticed that using a high quality color-balance tool, as found in Adobe Lightroom for instance, the color issues can be fixed.

So this is what I intended to implement in the FBM Software White Balance plug-in. It also lets you adjust the brightness, which is an alternative to the built-in Vegas brightness - giving different results. For a reason I don't know, I find that this built-in brightness slider trends to bring grey tones in the shadows, leading to de-saturation, that I have a hard time to get rid off even with changing the contrast and the contrast center. So I personally prefer to use the FBM Software brightness adjustment for that -- but this is a matter of taste, the best approach is certainly that you try it and make your own opinion.

If you agree to share your feedback, II will be pleased to get it,